Center Stage Software

April 2013 Newsletter

godexNew printers available

We are pleased to announce we are now carrying ticket printers from Godex International. Why should you care?
  • GoDEX has the same high quality as other major printers for a much lower price.
  • Printer drivers are much easier to install.
  • GoDEX has outstanding customer support.
  • If you buy one without a cutter, you can add one later. You don't have to replace the whole unit.  

Contact Diane Rowe for more information and to get a quote.  

Read more about thermal printers on the Center Stage Software website. 

whoisgodexWho is GoDEX? 

Established in 1993, GoDEX has a loyal following of thousands of customers by providing very affordable products that are extremely well engineered. The company is 100% dedicated to long-term customer satisfaction.

  • Low Prices With GoDEX you get low prices on everything because they have low overhead costs and pass the savings to you.

  • Performance and Selection GoDEX has been manufacturing printers for over 20 years. GoDEX focuses on desktop and bench top thermal printers.

  • Reliability They build their printers to last. They are heavier, have more powerful motors, and have more metal components in them for one reason - reliability.

  • Ease of Use When you get your GoDEX printer it will come with test labels and ribbons, a USB cable, and Seagull Scientific Windows drivers. Within minutes, you will be up and printing.

  • Outstanding Service When you call GoDEX, you get a caring, knowledgeable person on the line immediately. You get your answer or they will give you a date for your answer and call you back before you  need to call them again.

Contact Us

Center Stage Software

1191 Luxton St.

Seaside, California 93955



Sales: Jim and Trudy Hines  480-981-0073




Center Stage Software
Important Wintix update


New! Change in how multiple sales work in Wintix!

You've got a customer who wants to make multiple purchases with a couple of different payment types and it's a busy day in the box office. Wintix will help you do that in an easier manner. Now, no matter how many purchases you have, the "green screen" where you process credit cards will only include the last purchase as a default instead of all purchases. To process multiple credit card purchases at once, simply check the purchases you want to process together.

 survey We need your thoughts about house seats!
We'd like your opinion about house seats.
(We know you have them).

One of our customers called a couple of days ago with a question. One of the founders of the theatre wanted to come to that night's performance. He wanted four tickets, but the performance was sold out. We suggested that she use her house seats. Her answer was, "Huh? What are house seats?"

We quickly explained what they are and why they are necessary.

How about the rest of you?
  • What are your policies on house seats?
  • How many do you have?
  • When (if ever) do you release them?
  • Let us know and we will publish it.
managehouseseatWhat is the best way to manage house seats?
There are two ways: 

The low security method 


  • Change the status field on the plan to be something like an "H."  
  • You can use any letter, but for convenience we often use "H."  
  • On each chart, the house seats show up as "H." The seats will look like they are sold, but everyone will still be able to sell them.  
  • Teach your people that "H" is for house seats and they better have an explanation if they sell any of them.  
  • You also need to click on "Update all charts that use this plan" button when you are done adding them to your seating plan if you already have the performances set up and have been selling tickets for them.

The high security method

  • "Sell" the seats for each performance in the section you want at the price code for house seats. These seats cannot be resold until someone goes into that sale and releases those seats. Usually, only the box office manager has permission to do this.
  • Learn more about permissions and passwords in Wintix


Note: Make sure to set up your house seat designation in your initialization settings.


In Wintix, go to File | Initialization | Sale Settings



To learn more about House Seats - read an article on our Help Desk.