Morningside United Methodist Church
April 2017
The Weaving Grows...
Our Lenten journey into the Lord's prayer has been challenging at times and deeply meaningful. I must confess that I have not remembered to pray the Lord's Prayer every day, but I have come close.
What I have been struck by most significantly is that the prayer is not all about me and my journey of faith, it is about the whole body of Christ that is praying this prayer throughout the world. We pray collectively as we say "Our Father ... give us ... forgive us and we forgive ... lead us."   It is a prayer that people of faith are praying on behalf of the whole world and all the people's of the world. We are praying that all have enough to eat and the basic needs of life. We are recognize the collective need for forgiveness especially as we look at issues of discrimination and injustice, both in the past and the present. We are praying that God's kingdom - God's reign - of peace, justice and love unfold throughout all the places of the world and that we are collaborators with God in bringing forth this reign.
As we have been sharing in different interpretations of the Lord's Prayer each Sunday, I have decided to write my own.
            Our Creator who spans heaven and earth,
                        we lift your name in praise.
            Inspire and challenge us to bring forth
                        your vision of heaven's peace and grace
                        upon all the places and peoples of the earth.
            As we are blessed with our daily needs for water,
                        bread and shelter, may we work to provide
                        the same for all your beloved children.
            May we confess the acts of selfishness and harm
                        we have done to others,
                        forgive those who have harmed us and
                        open ourselves to receive your forgiveness   
                        that you freely offer.
            May your Spirit work with in us to guide us away
                        from further acts of harm and destruction and
                        turn us towards living faithfully.
            For Your steadfast love and mercy endures forever.   Amen.
Blessings upon you as you continue in this Lenten journey.
Pastor Wendy

Worship in April
Turning Toward Life
Palm Sunday ... Holy Week ... Easter
April 2 : "Lead us not into temptation"
            Resisting the temptation to loose hope as we
    reflect on the story on Lazarus.
April 9 : Palm Sunday
            "For thine is the kingdom power and the
             glory forever."
            Jesus arrives in Jerusalem with shouts of "Hosanna."
  April 13 : Maundy Thursday
            12:15 p.m. Service of Communion at First UMC
              7:00 p.m. Service of Communion at Morningside
April 14 : Good Friday
              7:00 p.m.Tenebrae Service at First UMC with
              all the United Methodist Churches of Salem Keizer 
              with all the choirs and clergy.
April 16 : Easter Sunday - Services at 9:00 & 11:00
            "Turning Towards Life" Matthew 28:1-10
April 23 : Turning Towards Life
            "Come to Believe" - The story of Thomas who
            comes to believe after a time ofdoubting.
            What helps you overcome your doubts and unbelief? 
            John 20:19-31
April 30 : Turning Towards Life
            "From Confusion to Clarity" - Two of the disciples 
            spend the day walking with an  unknown man on the
            road to Emmaus. Their confusion turns to clarity in
            the breaking of  the bread. What brings you clarity?
            Luke 24:15-35
In This Issue
Worship Schedule
10 a.m. - Worship
11 a.m. - Fellowship Time

Childcare is offered for infants and toddlers from 9:30 -11 a.m. every Sunday morning.
Newsletter Deadline
Thursday, April 13th 
at 9 a.m.
April Birthdays
4/1 Dave Sevall
4/3 Kirsten Johnson
4/3 Paul Smith-Munson
4/4 Rachael Chavez
4/9 Duane Medicine-Crow
4/15 Jacque Bailey
4/15 Karen Crooch
4/15 Lura Morris
4/19 Jean Johnston
4/19 Marvin Lundy
4/19 Wendy Marsh
4/23 Glenn Gross
4/23 Mary Lu Snodgrass
4/26 Ron Ham
4/27 Darcy Archer
4/27 Ellis Sanders
4/30 Mike Vogt Clark
April Anniversaries
4/26 Sam Kinney & Erin McGrath
4/30 Karna Johnson & Ron Chase
In our prayers are those with...
Health Concerns, Illness, Loss of Loved Ones:

Tim, Julie Bulletset & Family, Layton, Mary Jo Gilson & Family,
Lillis Larson, Dick Riley, Glen McCall, Mary Webster, Robert Kuenzli, Renee Cornwell, Jerry Perry, Ken Amend, Anne Sondgroth, Joy Willhite, Paula Kent, Dorothy Green, Maggie Johnson, and Elisa Reckendorf
Flower Cross Coming Soon!

The Worship Committee is working on erecting a flower cross for Easter here at Morningside, and we will need some help from the congregation.


          You can help us in a couple of ways:

  • Help put flowers on the cross. Come to church at 10:00 am on Saturday, March 15th.  You'll see us out in front next to 12th street. It takes many hands to cover the cross in flowers, with beautiful results.
  • Provide cut flowers for us to put on the cross. We will need them by 9:45am on the morning we gather to decorate the cross.

Please contact Pastor Wendy or Teresa Stewart if you can help with the cross, help with bringing flowers, or if you have any questions. Thank you for your help!

Palm Sunday Brunch

Enjoy a lovely meal following our 10:00 am worship service on Palm Sunday, April 9th. The youth are eager to provide a breakfast of casseroles, coffee cake, coffee, juice, teas and an assortment of fruits and treats!
Come support your youth on this Palm Sunday and eat some yummy food!
Gluten free and vegetarian options available.
Easter Egg Hunt
Our youth and Christian Education will host an Easter Egg hunt on April 16th following worship. All families and children are invited to participate! Get your searching eyes ready to explore our church grounds for Easter Eggs with treats and prizes! 
Wendy & Lori's Marriage Blessing & Reception
Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 11:00am
You are invited to share in a service of blessing led by Rev. Karen Crooch for Wendy and Lori on Sunday, June 4 following the postlude of our 10:00 worship service. After this time of blessing, there will be a reception in Herrmann Hall hosted by Glenda Melton, Sara Amend and Judy Webster.
Our wedding will take place on May 20 at Edgefield, McMenamins and then we will spend May 21 - June 2 in Hawaii on Kauai. We look forward to sharing this celebration with all of you on June 4 and greatly appreciate your affirmation and support. No gifts please, your presence will be your gift.
Messy Church

Join us for Messy Church and Fiesta Church as we study "The Fruit of the Spirit" through March. Messy/Fiesta Church meets at 4pm.  
  • March 12 at KCLUMC
  • March 19 at Trinity UMC (Fiesta Church)
  • March 25 at Morningside UMC
Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is now scheduled for July 31st to August 3rd, which Morningside will host in collaboration with First UMC. Journey with us through life in Peru!
We are in search of help with the following tasks:
  • Registration
  • Prepping crafts ahead of time
  • Decorating the Sanctuary
  • Snack staff
  • Shepherds with children and others
If you are interested let Yajaira know.
Morningside Day-Camp All Church Outing

Plans are in the making for a Morningside event to take the place of Magruder Family Camp this year. Many of those who have planned the Magruder Family Camp in past years felt that this would be a good year to try a new event that would be for the day rather than an overnight experience. We are hoping to plan a day of crafts, hiking, games and sharing meals together at Silver Falls State Park.  
Stay tuned for date and details!!
United Methodist Ministries of Salem-Keizer Launches New Social Justice Team  
In mid-March a group of 15 people representing 4 of
our UMMSK congregations met to discuss how we can partner to work on social justice issues in the Salem-Keizer area. The group agreed that one of the most pressing issues right now is our support of immigrants and becoming immigrant-welcoming churches. We agreed that we all need more education on how to support immigrants and what is needed. We are scheduling two speakers to help us learn more about immigrant justice and sanctuary.
This presentation will be April 29 from 2:00 ~ 4:00 p.m. at Morningside United Methodist Church for people from our churches, as well as community members to become better educated about the history and needs for immigrant justice in our community.
In the meantime, you can find out more about immigrant justice by going to Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice's website, and download faith-based resources.

If you are interested in being a part of this group, or if you know of another church in our area that would like to find out more about being immigrant-welcoming, please contact Pastor Karen at Clear Lake UMC.  She can be reached via email at [email protected] or her cell phone at  503-957-6815
Upcoming Events

The Yard Angels
Yard Angels will meet on April 8th @ 9:00 am
United Methodist Men
"The United Methodist Men will meet on Monday, April 3rd at 10:00 am, in the Fireside Room. Refreshments will be served  and all are welcome to attend."

The Keystones will meet at 1:00 pm on April 3rd.

United Methodist Women
The UMW Exec Board will meet on Tuesday, April 11th @ 1:00 pm.
The Middlers meet Wednesday, April 12th at 6:45 pm.

Brews and News Adult Education
April 5th & 19th, 6:30 at Santiam Brewery
Join us for discussions that are always insightful and rich. We do not always agree with each other, but we respect each others opinions.

Sack Lunch .... Bible .... Newspaper
Thursday's @ 12:30, Fireside Room
Come and join us every Thursday, a new gathering has begun. We begin with a time of fellowship as we gather to eat our lunches. Once everyone is settled in, we have a time of study and discussion centered around the primary Biblical passage that will be part of worship and the sermon for Sunday. We conclude with a discussion about a current event from the news.

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Morningside United Methodist Church

PO Box 3076, Salem, OR 97302


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30-3:30
                        Friday 7:30 -10:30

Ministry Team
Ministers: All the Laity 
Office Manager: Jacque Bailey 
Bookkeeper: Jacque Bailey 
Family & Program Ministry Director: Yajaira Hernandez Trejo 
Chancel Choir Director: Sam Kinney 
Praise Band Leader: Jan Nelson 
Organist: Brace Langenwalter 
Keyboardist: Teresa Stewart 
Custodian: Tim Bulletset 
Childcare: Noemi Morales, Skyler Bailey, Fabiola Morales
 If you need a printed copy of the newsletter, copies are available on the counter in the Narthex.