In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of the latest Microsoft Exchange storage performance results and discuss IBM FlashSystem A9000/A9000R, DS8888 and Storwize V7000F/V5000F announcements.
Latest ESRP performance report 

We review the 1000 and under mailbox category which has had two new submissions since we last reviewed this category and most of our top ten charts have been changed.  Read the report to learn more.  
IBM announces new FlashSystem A9000, FlashSystem A9000R, DS8888, and Storwize V7000F/V5000F all flash storage systems 

IBM has just added Spectrum Accelerate (XIV) storage grid functionality to their FlashSystem900 storage systems in both a single grid element configuration and a rack configuration. Also, IBM has announced release of their DS8888 all flash storage they previewed last fall and has updated the SSDs for their Storwize V7000F and V5000F storage systems.   Read the report to learn more.  
RayOnStorage top blog post(s)
At FAST'16 conference a couple of months ago, Google researchers published some interesting results from their millions of days of SSD use in their data center environments. They mostly use PCIe flash storage but their results probably look similar to SATA and SAS SSD use for most other vendors. There's good news and bad news but you need to read the post find out more.
  Greybeards talk with Lee Caswell and Dave Wright of NetApp - Dave's company SolidFire has recently been acquired by NetApp and we wanted to find out more of what's going on these days. It's an unusually large acquisition for NetApp given their history and this seems to be a turning point for them. Dave's been on the show in the past but this is the first time for NetApp and for Lee. Listen to the podcast to learn more...  

What you may have missed last month

No new SPECsfs2014 activity so we are showing another of our seldom seen charts on SPECsfs2008 data, this one a bubble chart of throughput, ORT and capacity. Read the report to learn more.

Pure announced two new systems the FlashBlade scale-out, all flash file and object storage system and a new FlashArray//m10 for small-to-medium enterprise data centers.  FlashBlade is a new hardware implementation, which uses NAND chips and a new Elasticity OS to support up to 15 storage blades in a chassis and can connect multiple chassis together into a single storage cluster. The //m10 is a reduced version of their current FlashArray solutions.  Read the report to learn more.

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