On Track School
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April 15th, 2014 
On Track School Congratulates Student of the Month Taryn Nemergut!

"Taryn is an energetic and hard working young woman on and off the track. Taryn has worked hard this year to keep her work coming in on time and with accuracy. She made A honor roll during her first semester with On Track School and is holding fast to those goals. She keeps in good contact with her coaches letting them know when she is traveling, having difficulties, or running a little behind. It has been a pleasure working with her."
-Mrs. Wanda Ezell 
Administrative Assistant, English Learning Coach
Student of the Month
"On Track School has given me a great learning experience. Since I started On Track School last fall I have been able to balance school and motocross. I would like to thank all of my teachers and most of all, Mrs. Andrea, for everything they have done for me. By working around my riding schedule and helping me throughout the school year, I've been able to stay on track."  
Taryn Nemergut 

Taryn will be - 
At the Tomohark Notheast Qualifier for Loretta Lynns this weekend in West Virginia. 

We are so proud to have Taryn as a part of our school and look forward to watching her continue to follow her dreams!

Thank you!

Andrea Leib
On Track School 

On Track School | | andrea@stayontrack.net |