Archangel Michael's New Year's Gems: #3 of 11 PERSPECTIVE - Peace, Prosperity and Freedom Are Certainly Yours!

Archangel Michael's New Year's Gems: 
#3 of 11 PERSPECTIVE - 
Peace, Prosperity & Freedom Are Certainly Yours! 


Archangel Michael:

It is Archangel Michael.  Hello and hearty congratulations!  You are quickly seeing through the old subterfuge of control through intimidation.  Instead, you are opting for inner speculation and community support.  In doing so, you roll out the golden carpet for the realization of your long-awaited Prosperity.  Know this, the bounty of your efforts and God's grace will leave you stunned in awe at your Redemption appointments.  Some of you receiving this message will receive God's blessing in others ways - no less spectacular.  Release yourself to get excited.  You will not be deceived or disappointed at the given hour.

You there toiling on the surface for your glorious Ascension and the restoration of God's Light on Earth could teach us here more than a thing or two about PERSPECTIVE.  I bow to your Awareness, diligence and growing Mastery.  So, today I will bring you my own favorite portals to the kind of perspective that results in the Highest Good of All, every time. 

1)  Awe.  SEE through the eyes of AWE.  Divine awe is brimming with wonder, humility and gratitude and leads to Co-Creation with God in the manner that uplifts and enriches.  To really SEE means that the lantern of God's discernment is lit and burning brightly in your heart.  This is the Light of Truth, which doesn't just serve you - it serves All.

2)  Flexibility.  BE flexible.  This is one of the least lauded attributes of a Master, yet it is its own path to Enlightenment.  There is a difference between doing flexibility and be-ing flexible.  Doing flexibility is whipping up a contrived state of social nicety and fake willingness.  Be-ing flexible means you are at ease, at peace, come what may.  You are resting Awake in the sweet spot of Life, ready, caring, creative.

From here - our higher dimensional perspective - so much of what you work towards and look forward to is already energetically accomplished.  We tenderly understand the conditions and energies you transmute and endure which basically makes our perspective not worth a hill of beans to you. take a dip in the perspective pool with your friends Awe and Flexibility and SEE that you are privy to the higher dimensional view, because you are.  Relax your gaze and see the picture within the picture.  That's the way. 

Fondly and eternally, I Am your Archangel Michael.

(channeled by Christine Burk 1/3/2017)

Please refer to Patricia-Cota Robles important New Year's Message - the shining inspiration for Archangel Michael's messages! 



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Message #1 GLORY
Message #2 CONSTANCY


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