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Cyber Mondaze begins tomorrow!



Thank you for supporting Small Business Saturday�. Thanks to you, Small Business Saturday was an amazing success. We appreciate your support and hope you'll continue to Shop Small� throughout the year.

Now, we are so excited for Cyber Mondaaaaze! We had our fun with Black Frieday, but you won't believe the dank deals we have packed in our bowls this time!

Join the IBUDYOU Newsletter to receive the special dank discount code tomorrow! Cyber Mondaze is your chance to score dope deals for the holidaze with IBUDYOU. Don't miss out tomorrow because these deals will dissipate quicker than the ganja smoke in your room!
Stay Lifted!
AreOne, Dia & The IBUDYOU Tribe
Cyber Mondaze CODE: ____?___
Offer Expires: Midnight on Monday, November 26, 2012


IBUDYOU Sticker Giveaway is still going!

Deadline: November 30, 2012