February 15, 2018
Sisters and brothers,

Lent has begun.  It is a season of introspection, dedication, and sacrifice.  I realize that for most of us the season feels like a bummer - like a real drag.  Thus, some of us may be tempted to skip it, or at least try to do a "light"--some might even argue and "enlightened"-- version of Lent. 

We profess that we are "Resurrection" people, that we are Christians who live in hope.  But in order to be resurrection people, we also have to be people of the Cross, because one doesn't get to resurrection without that.  Lent is not supposed to be a drag.  It is supposed to be about life.  That giving up stuff, that taking on disciplines - that is supposed to be about living even in the midst of dying.  

Let's make sure we approach Lent with the right frame of mind this year.  Let's not make it just a season of self-loathing.  At the same time, let's also not make it a season of self-lying.  We need Lent.  None of us are exempt.  None of us are without need for repentance, conversion and renewal.  

So make this Lent count! Your spirit will thank you!


Fr. Dewayne

 Snapshot of What's Happening! 
This Week
Vestry Retreat
9 am - 4 pm
10:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 
11:00 a.m.

Reunión Hispana
Following Worship

Membership Class
2:15 p.m.
Midweek Fellowship Group 
6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Choir rehearsal
6:00 p.m.
Daytimers Group
11:00 a.m.

Looking Ahead

Mar 7 - 9
Clergy Retreat & Chrism Mass
In St. Louis

 Daytimers  Announces a Change!
Now Meeting on Thursdays!

The St. Jerome Daytimers is a group whose members meet weekly to socialize and support each other in their spiritual journeys. The group meets in the daytime as a convenience for folks who work at night or for whom it's just easier to attend meetings during the day rather than at night.

The members of the Daytimers Group have made a change in their meeting schedule. They will now meet on Thursdays instead of Fridays. This change is to accommodate changing schedules and obligations.

If you have been unable to attend on Fridays, this change may allow you to join them. Everyone is welcome!

Reunión Hispana

Invito a nuestras hermanas y hermanos hispanos a almorzar el 18 de febrero. Sus amigos, socios y cónyuges son, por supuesto, bienvenidos.  Quiero escuchar sus opiniones sobre cómo podríamos aumentar la cantidad de miembros hispanos. Y quiero saber de usted cómo puedo ayudarlo y cómo podemos formar una misa en español. Nos reuniremos en Mexicali para almorzar después de la misa del domingo. ¡El almuerzo es mi regalo! 

Scripture Readings for Sunday
God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth."


Show me your ways, O God, *
and teach me your paths.

  1 Peter 3:18-22        

Baptism is not the washing away of physical dirt, but the appeal made to God by a good conscience: it brings salvation through the resurrection of Jesus.

Mark 1:9-15

In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased."

And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. 

Click     here    to go to the Lectionary Readings

Please Keep in Prayer:

Those who are ill or recovering

Gloria Tilghman (Bro. Ray's mom)
Scott Carmen
Sr. Danielle Murphy (friend of Bro. Ray and his mom)
Bob & Scott
Mary Ella Long (Kellie Wright's mom)
Dick Cantrell
Jay King
Taylor Grimmer
Lovell Mackey (Danny Mackey's mom)
Judy Keisling (friend of Paul Gossett)
Richard Jones
Debbie Broome
Johnnie Cronin
Lance Cheney (friend of Danny Mackey)
Cloyd Stotler-Easley
Paul Gossett (recovering from surgery)
Terry Birkes
Rick Craig
Debbie Wilson
Jason Miller
Sarah Vizza
Lisa Chaney ( friend of Virginia Cohlmia )
Ray Voils
Penny Walker (friend of Lori Stem)
Janice West (friend of Eric Sanchez)

Those who are (or will be) traveling

Paul Maschi

Those who have died

All who perished in the Parkland, Florida shooting
James Cooper (Preston & Joyce's step-father)
Bernice Lovell (Ralph Krause's sister)

Those in need of comfort or support

Everyone affected by the Parkland shooting
Preston & Joyce and the Cooper family
Ralph Krause & family
Myrna Campbell
Richard Jones
Martha Simmons
Laura Boyce
Rod & Casey Conrad

In thanksgiving for birthdays and anniversaries

Danny Mackey (Feb. 22)
Kevin Barrentine (Feb. 28)


If you have updates about any of the names on the list above, please contact the church office at: 

(918) 582-3088 

Got Photos?

We're interested in collecting photos of this year's Parish events (activities, worship services, etc.), so that we can assemble and maintain an ongoing photo record or history.  If you have any photos to contribute, please see Marie Welden.  

Membership Classes

Membership classes reconvene this Sunday.  We'll  offer a class on Baptism and Confirmation.  It is a required class.   If you are interested in becoming a member, please join us.  

We'll continue offering make-up classes for those who missed any previous sessions.  

Food Pantry Leadership Team

The Food Pantry continues to be staffed per the following schedule:

Wednesdays (5:30-7:00)

Week 1 - Raul Rosario & Dale Reinschmiedt
Week 2 - Raul Rosario & Dale Reinschmiedt
Week 3 - Johna Abbott & Dale Reinschmiedt
Week 4 - Kathy Elliott
Week 5 - "Ya'll come help!" 

Thursdays (1:30-3:00)

Danny Mackey
Joyce Daley

The Pantry team leaders are: Raul Rosario, Dale Reinschmiedt, and Stephen Culley. You can see from the schedule who the other dedicated helpers are. Please speak with any of these volunteers--they're all volunteers!--if you can in any way help with this important ministry!

Praying the Rosary 

For you who may be interested, opportunity to prayer the Rosary is offered every Sunday in the St. Mary Chapel between 10:30 and 10:55 a.m. 

If you are willing to lead the rosary, please sign up on the schedule in the chapel.  

Sha ri ng Fellowship
Here is the schedule of those providing refreshments for the weeks ahead.

Week 3 - February 21       L-R
Week 4 - February 28       S-Z
Week 1 - March 4             A -D
Week 2 - March 11           E-K

Worship With Us on YouTube

If you are not able to worship with us when you are away, or if you are ill, you can now stay connected to your parish family by worshiping with us on YouTube. 

Transfiguration Sunday, February 11, 2018
Transfiguration Sunday,
February 11, 2018

Winter Weather 
Church Closing Notice
If, due to weather conditions, Fr. Dewayne and the Vestry determine that it is unsafe to hold services, an announcement will go out via these methods:
(1)   Our Church app;
(2)  Our Facebook page;
(3)    Our website - please see the gold "Announcement" block at the top right hand side of the page.
(4)    KRMG. KRMG will share our information on-air, online, on the KRMG App, and with sister stations KWEN-K95.5FM, KRAV-MIX 96, and KJSR-Eagle 103.3.
Assuming that there is power and the internet is working, we will try to send out a blast email to everyone through our Power Church database program.
If winter weather has you wondering if our doors are open, please consult one of those sources to find the answer. As always, you must determine if it's safe to make the trip--even if we are open. Be safe!

We're More Connected!
Our parish has a church app that allows us to stay more connected and provides a quick overview of events, links to videos, announcements and more.  

To download our church app, go to your Play Store and search for Churchlinkapp.  Select the app and download. (The app is free.) Once downloaded, open the app. Allow it to know your location.  In the search field, type in "the parish church of st. Jerome."  

Note: As of February, 2018, Churchlink has become Tithe.ly

Parish Church of St. Jerome
Thank you for being part of our parish family!
See you Sunday at 11:00 for Mass.

205 W. King Street
Tulsa, OK 74106
Like us on FacebookView our videos on YouTube