22 de febrero de 2018                                            February 22, 2018
Sisters and brothers,

A portion of our Hispanic sisters and brothers gathered on Sunday immediately after worship to discuss how we, as a parish, might be more welcoming to them.  Trying to navigate English, when Spanish is your primary language, can be tough.  Some of "our" folks are opting to worship elsewhere so that they can at least understand the liturgy.  And then, given some cultural differences, and you've made worship challenging.  So I commend their dedication.  

At our Vestry Workshop last Saturday it was clear that they (the Vestry members) are in full agreement that we need to do what is necessary to support our Hispanic sisters and brothers.  So beginning this Sunday you will note a few changes.  We will try not to go overboard, but we do want to make a real effort to begin making our worship as bilingual as possible.  Meanwhile we will be laying the groundwork for establishing a Latino/Latina social/worship group with the possible future goal of offering the Mass in Spanish.  This will be a daunting undertaking.  And in order to make any of this successful, we'll need EVERYONE pulling together.

On Sunday, we will have 20 copies of a bilingual missal.  It will have the Mass in English on the left hand side, and in Spanish on the right.  This will allow folks to follow along in both languages.  I will begin offering small pieces of the liturgy in Spanish (as best as I can - be patient with me) and invite some of our brave English-speaking folks to consider trying their hand at saying some of the responses in Spanish.  Chances are, future missals will be printed in this fashion.  

Some may wonder why we are doing all this and may wonder if it is even necessary.  I think it is important for us to always be on the look-out for those segments of our community that are under-served or overlooked.  Certainly, gay/lesbian/transgender Latinos/Latinas fit into this category.  And we have an obligation to minister to them.  I realize this will be a challenge and could very well stretch our community.  Let's pray that it does.  After all, our Communion is now predominantly Hispanic, and those are the parishes that are growing.  Let's do this!


Fr. Dewayne

 Snapshot of What's Happening!
 Qué esta pasando!
This Week/ Esta semana
Sun/ Domingo
Rosary / Rosario
10:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist / Eucaristía
11:00 a.m.

Membership Class / Clase de membresía
2:15 p.m.
Tues/ Martes
Fellowship Group / Grupo de compañerismo
6:00 p.m.
Wed/ Miércoles
Choir rehearsal / Ensayo de coro
6:00 p.m.
Thurs/ Jueves
Daytimers Group / Grupo Diurno
11:00 a.m.

Looking Ahead/ Mirando hacia el futuro

Mar 7 - 9
Clergy Retreat & Chrism Mass / 
Clero Retiro y Crisma Misa
In St. Louis
Mar 16
Spaghetti Supper and
Bobby Jo Valentine Concert / 
Cena de espagueti y concierto
6:00 pm

¡Bienvenido a nuestros hermanos y hermanas latinos!

A mado de Dios,mado de Dios

Una parte de nuestras hermanas y hermanos hispanos se reunieron el domingo inmediatamente después de la adoración para discutir cómo nosotros, como parroquia, podríamos ser más acogedores para ellos. Tratar de navegar inglés, cuando el español es su idioma principal puede ser difícil. Y luego, dadas algunas diferencias culturales, y has hecho que la adoración sea un reto. Desafortunadamente, some de "nuestra" gente está optando a la adoración a otra parte para que puedan al menos entender la liturgia.

Nuestro liderazgo de la iglesia se da cuenta que necesitamos apoyar a nuestras hermanas y hermanos hispanos. Queremos poner el fundamento para el establecimiento de un grupo social/de adoración Latino con el posible objetivo futuro de ofrecer la Misa en español. En para hacer esto exitoso, necesitaremos que todos se junten.

El domingo, vamos a tener 20 copias de nuestro Misal bilingüe. Tendrá la masa en inglés en el lado izquierdo, y en español a la derecha. Esto permitirá que la gente siga adelante en ambos idiomas. Comenzaré a ofrecer pequeñas piezas de la liturgia en Español e invitar a algunas de nuestras valientes personas de habla inglesa a considerar probar su mano en decir algunas de las respuestas en español.

It es importante para nosotros cuidar y ministrar a los que no están siendo apoyados. Ciertamente, gays/lesbianas/ transgénero latinos encajan en esta categoría. Me doy cuenta de que esta voluntad ser un reto para nuestra comunidad. Veo esto como algo bueno. ¡ vamos a hacer esto!

¡ paz y bendiciones!

Fr. Dewayne

Gracias y Bienvenida

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, gracias por su participación en la reunión del domingo pasado. Estoy entusiasmado con las posibilidades que tenemos por delante y espero que participes con nosotros.  
Será importante que invite a otros amigos y familiares a unirse a usted.  Planeamos hacer mejoras a medida que avanzamos. Mientras tanto, háganos saber si podemos hacer algo mejor. 

De nuevo, bienvenidos a la iglesia de San Jerónimo!

Scripture Readings for Sunday
lecturas de las escrituras
God said to [Abram], "As for me, this is my covenant with you: You shall be the ancestor of a multitude of nations... I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and rulers shall come from you. I will establish my covenant between me and you, and your offspring after you throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you."

Salmo/Psalm 22:22-30

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to you, *
and all the families of the nations shall bow before you.


  Romans 4:13-25        

Hence everything depends on faith; everything is grace. 

Marco/Mark 8:31-38

"If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it..."

Click     here    to go to the Lectionary Readings in English

Haga clic aquí para leer las lecciones de la Biblia en español

Please Keep in Prayer/
Mantenga estos en oración:

Those who are ill or recovering
Aquellos que están enfermos o en recuperación

Colleen Horrigan
Gloria Tilghman (Bro. Ray's mom)
Scott Carmen
Sr. Danielle Murphy (friend of Bro. Ray and his mom)
Bob & Scott
Mary Ella Long (Kellie Wright's mom)
Dick Cantrell
Jay King
Taylor Grimmer
Lovell Mackey (Danny Mackey's mom)
Judy Keisling (friend of Paul Gossett)
Richard Jones
Debbie Broome
Johnnie Cronin
Lance Cheney (friend of Danny Mackey)
Cloyd Stotler-Easley
Paul Gossett (recovering from surgery)
Terry Birkes
Rick Craig
Debbie Wilson
Jason Miller
Sarah Vizza
Lisa Chaney ( friend of Virginia Cohlmia )
Ray Voils
Penny Walker (friend of Lori Stem)
Janice West (friend of Eric Sanchez)

Those who are (or will be) traveling
Aquellos que están viajando 

Bro. Ray Knapp
Paul Maschi

Those who have died 
Aquellos que han muerto

Alice Kennedy (grandmother, Ann Kennedy)
All who perished in the Parkland, Florida shooting
James Cooper (Preston & Joyce's step-father)
Bernice Lovell (Ralph Krause's sister)

Those in need of comfort or support
Aquellos que necesitan apoyo

Ann Kennedy & family
Alex & Jerome
Everyone affected by the Parkland shooting
Preston & Joyce and the Cooper family
Ralph Krause & family
Myrna Campbell
Richard Jones
Martha Simmons
Laura Boyce
Rod & Casey Conrad

In thanksgiving for birthdays and anniversaries
Celebrando cumpleaños o aniversarios

Kevin Barrentine (Feb. 28)


If you have updates about any of the names on the list above, please contact the church office at: 

(918) 582-3088 

We're Invited - Lenten Program!

Saint Matthew Episcopal C hurch in Sand Springs, one of the churches with which we've shared dinner with dialogue several times, is having Soup & Study  again during Lent.  Soup service begins at 6:15 p.m. on Wednesday evenings followed by viewing of lessons from the video "Saving Jesus" (Living the Question series).  
"We would love to have Saint Jeromites attend--and no need to bring soup unless so inclined," Fr. Clark says.  "I hope to see you there!"

Save the Date!

We are thrilled to announce that Bobby Jo Valentine will be returning to Tulsa for a concert here at St. Jerome's on Friday, March 16. There will be a spaghetti dinner at 6:00 followed by the concert by Bobby Jo at 7:00. 

Save the date! Details about tickets and more about Bobby Jo will be forthcoming. 

Did someone say "Save the Date!"?


Got Photos?

We're collecting photos of this year's Parish events (activities, worship services, etc.), so that we can assemble and maintain an ongoing photo record or history.  If you have any photos to contribute, please forward those to this email account:   [email protected]

¿Tienes fotos? 
Estamos recolectando fotos de los eventos parroquiales de este año (actividades, servicios de adoración, etc.) para que podamos reunir y mantener un registro fotográfico continuo o la historia. Si tiene alguna foto para contribuir, envíela a esta cuenta de correo electrónico: [email protected] 

Make-Up Membership Classes

Membership classes continue this Sunday.  We'll keep working on trying to get everyone ready for membership.   If you are interested in becoming a member, please join us.  

Clases de Membresía de Maquillaje 
Las clases de membresía continúan este domingo. Seguiremos trabajando para que todos estén listos para la membresía. Si está interesado en hacerse miembro, únase a nosotros.

Food Pantry Leadership Team

The Food Pantry continues to be staffed per the following schedule:

Wednesdays (5:30-7:00)

Week 1 - Raul Rosario & Dale Reinschmiedt
Week 2 - Raul Rosario & Dale Reinschmiedt
Week 3 - Johna Abbott & Dale Reinschmiedt
Week 4 - Kathy Elliott & Danny Cook
Week 5 - "Ya'll come help!" 

Thursdays (1:30-3:00)

Danny Mackey
Joyce Daley

The Pantry team leaders are: Raul Rosario, Dale Reinschmiedt, and Stephen Culley. You can see from the schedule who the other dedicated helpers are. Please speak with any of these volunteers--they're all volunteers!--if you can in any way help with this important ministry!

Praying the Rosary 

For you who may be interested, opportunity to prayer the Rosary is offered every Sunday in the St. Mary Chapel between 10:30 and 10:55 a.m. 

If you are willing to lead the rosary, please sign up on the schedule in the chapel.  

Rezando el rosario 
Para ustedes que pueden estar interesados, oportunidad de orar, el Rosario se ofrece todos los domingos en la Capilla de Santa María entre las 10:30 y las 10:55 a.m. 

Si está dispuesto a dirigir el rosario, inscríbase en el calendario de la capilla.

Sha ri ng Fellowship/
Compartir compañerismo
Here is the schedule of those providing refreshments for the weeks ahead.
Aquí está el cronograma de aquellos que ofrecen refrigerios
para las próximas semanas.

Semana/Week 4 - February 28       S-Z
Semana/Week 1 - March 4             A -D
Semana/Week 2 - March 11           E-K
Semana/Week 3 - March 21           L-R

Worship With Us on YouTube
Adore con nosotros en YouTube

If you are not able to worship with us when you are away, or if you are ill, you can now stay connected to your parish family by worshiping with us on YouTube. 

Si no puede rendir culto a nosotros cuando está ausente, o si está enfermo, ahora puede permanecer conectado con su familia parroquial al adorar con nosotros en YouTube.

Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Ash Wednesday,
February 14, 2018
The First Sunday of Lent,  February 18, 2018
The First Sunday of Lent, February 18, 2018

Winter Weather 
Church Closing Notice
If, due to weather conditions, Fr. Dewayne and the Vestry determine that it is unsafe to hold services, an announcement will go out via these methods:
(1)   Our Church app;
(2)  Our Facebook page;
(3)    Our website - please see the gold "Announcement" block at the top right hand side of the page.
(4)    KRMG. KRMG will share our information on-air, online, on the KRMG App, and with sister stations KWEN-K95.5FM, KRAV-MIX 96, and KJSR-Eagle 103.3.
Assuming that there is power and the internet is working, we will try to send out a blast email to everyone through our Power Church database program.
If winter weather has you wondering if our doors are open, please consult one of those sources to find the answer. As always, you must determine if it's safe to make the trip--even if we are open. Be safe!

We're More Connected!
Estamos más conectados
Our parish has a church app that allows us to stay more connected and provides a quick overview of events, links to videos, announcements and more.  

To download our church app, go to your Play Store and search for Churchlinkapp.  Select the app and download. (The app is free.) Once downloaded, open the app. Allow it to know your location.  In the search field, type in "the parish church of st. Jerome."  

Note: As of February, 2018, Churchlink has become Tithe.ly

Nuestra parroquia tiene una aplicación para la iglesia que nos permite estar más conectados y proporciona una visión general rápida de eventos, enlaces a videos, anuncios y mucho más. 

Para descargar nuestra aplicación de la iglesia, vaya a su Play Store y busque Churchlinkapp. Selecciona la aplicación y descarga. (La aplicación es gratuita.) Una vez descargada, abra la aplicación. Permitir que sepa su ubicación. En el campo de búsqueda, escriba "la iglesia parroquial de San Jerónimo".

Parish Church of St. Jerome
Thank you for being part of our parish family!
See you Sunday at 11:00 for Mass.

205 W. King Street
Tulsa, OK 74106
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