Assisting refugees is our obligation
Assalamu Alaykum 

We are blessed to be living in the great state of Washington! At at time when over 30 states are refusing to accept refugees from Syria, Gov. Jay Inslee stated, "We have been and will continue to be a state that embraces compassion and eschews fear mongering... we will continue to welcome those seeking refuge from persecution, regardless of where they come from or the religion they practice." Thank you, Governor for upholding one of America's greatest values - that of welcoming to our land " your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"!

In the past days, MAPS has looked at the process to intake refugees comprehensively. MAPS MCRC will lead an initiative and will partner with various organizations (resettlement agencies, NGOs, churches, etc.) in assisting refugees from Syria to relocate to our state. We are putting plans together in the following 3 areas:

  1. Housing: As part of the government program, refugees are provided temporary housing for a few months. However, housing options are limited for most refugee families and they are on their own once the initial government stipend runs out. We will be working with Muslim Housing Services (MHS) to see how we can ensure that refugee families always have a room over their heads
  2. Amenities: Basic amenities, including furniture, are not usually available for families trying to start their life in a new country. We are putting a system in place to identify these basic needs, source/buy them and deliver to the families
  3. Settling in: As we can all imagine, once a family has their basic needs sustained, they require a lot of help to understand and settle in their new environment. Such help ranges from language assistance to enrolling kids in schools to social support. Br Tariff Mohaisen will lead an effort to pair individual refugee family with a community host family to assist with these needs  

This is a daunting task - but it is an obligation on us as Muslims, as Washingtonians and as Americans to extend our hand to families, many with young kids, who are fleeing persecution.

How can you help? If you wish to volunteer, email  [email protected] . If you wish to donate money, make a check payable to MAPS with memo "Refugees".

As always, we ask Almighty Allah to assist us and to assist those who are victims of wars and violence everywhere on Earth.

Jazakum-Allah-khairan / Thank you

Mahmood Khadeer
MAPS President