Visit booths & raise HUNDREDS of DOLLARS for Vulnerable Kids
The NRF Show is great... this can make it significant for a child in need.  2 minutes now to sign up, Less than 50 minutes of your time during the Big Show in NY...but sign up now. Simply register and visit these vendors. You bring computers, electricity and education to hundreds of kids in need.  






$300 / $75 for 15 minutes


$300 for every retailer and $75 for every press, analyst or Industry professional demo at booth #221 to help bring electricity to a school and community in Congo.


Register Here for time 

$300 / $50 for 15 minutes


A new computer ($300) for a school/after school program for one of poorest regions in South Africa for every retailer and $50 for every Press, Analyst, Industry Professional who registers and visits their booth. #2275

Register Here

$75 per person for tour


A month's salary for a teacher in one of the RetailROI Schools.  $75 for every person (retailer, analyst, vendor, press) who schedules a 15 minute walk through of booth #2738


See also this great blog by Jose Avelos of Intel.


Register Here for Time


$10 donation


Visit Epicor Booth #3501 and for every $10 donation to RetailROI, Epicor will give you a Build-a-Bear animal of your choice.  Panda, Hippo, and 2 monsters.  Proceeds go to help with new computer labs and roof at RetailROI orphan home in Liberia.

See choices

$1 donation


Offering water during the show for a $1 donation to RetailROI per bottle

Visit booth #3521

If you are a vendor exhibiting at the Big Show and you would like to have RetailROI, Press and Analysts tweet about your booth, we have a couple of more slots left for booth promotions.  Reply to this message and we will get you more information.  But time is running out.  100% of the money will go to help orphans and vulnerable children here in the US and worldwide.

* Note, RetailROI is not affiliated with the National Retail Federation in any way.  Just a bunch of DoGooders in the industry coming together a day early to bring great content and help kids. So far this event has helped over 142,500 children have a better future because members of the retail community came together to make a difference through SuperSaturday and booth promotions at trade events.