With Edmonton Children's Choir
Adam B. Robertson, BMus, MMus, DMus (Cand.), Co-Director - Edmonton Children's Choir

Assist. - University of Alberta Mixed Chorus

Please join us to help welcome
Newfoundlanders for Thanksgiving Saturday.

Potluck Supper at 5:30 pm.
Thanks for your help with food!

Choir concert at 7:30 pm.
Free will offering if you are able.

DIRECTIONS to FRIDHEM. Township Road 440. Travel 30 minutes south of Camrose on Highway 21 to Ferintosh (gravel pit corner). Turn left. Go 3.5 miles east. You will find the church on the south side of the road. If you are observant, you are likely to see amazing vistas with mirages. Fridhem is unique in the landscape for mirages.

Thanks to Service Canada New Horizons for Senior Program for updating Fridhem social area. It was a great summer for refurbishing the church social area! Thanks to Carpet One, Van-Go Painting, and all the Volunteers! Everything has been  updated in the period of the church. Our new cushioned flooring has the look of old. Early settlers from the late 1800s would be thrilled to see what has happened at Fridhem!
Fridhem is Swedish for Peaceful Home.

For more information about the potluck and concert, call 
780/877-2383; 780/877-2429; or 780/877-2435


With fall here and winter on its way, be sure to pick up a copy of BACKYARD BIRD FEEDING by Biologist,
Myrna Pearman, of Ellis Bird Farm.

You can pick up a copy at Peavey Marts, or online.