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January 1, 2017      

Attention Talk News

Brought to you by Edge Foundation

In This Issue . . .   
Getting out of bed in the morning is an essential part of life. Many people do it without ever giving it much thought. It is just something they do, like breathing. However, people with ADHD give the topic lots of thought! This is because it doesn't always come easily to them and can cause considerable problems in their life for example, late getting to work, tension in relationships and feeling down on themselves.

Here are the 3 main reasons why ADHDers have problems getting out of bed in the morning.  Continue reading Jacqueline Sinfield's article from 
Radio News
Brought to you by CHADD


Shows Released Since Our Last Newsletter

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ADHD: What Is Motivation?
Got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Have you been told you're not motivated? Have you ever done anything you weren't motivated to do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( talk about motivation, attention, arousal, distractions, and more. The two will put motivation in a context you can understand, manage, and deal with emotionally. If you have questions about motivation, feel you're not motivated, or are looking for a way to motivate yourself, be sure to listen to this show.

ADHD Non-Stimulant Medications
For many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, stimulants are not effective in the treatment of ADHD. For those open minded to medications, there are non-stimulant alternatives. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Terry Dickson ( about the different alternatives to stimulants, their side effects, impact, and dosing so you can make an informed decision. If you are open to taking medications and want to stay away from stimulants, or if they just don't work for you, don't miss this show.

ADHD How to Protect Yourself from Verbal Abusers
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often targets of very negative, hurtful comments. When attacked, they experience an amygdala hijack and  fall into fight, flight, or freeze, which can trigger hours of rumination. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and guest Barbara Luther ( share personal experiences and how they managed to deal with verbal abusers in a healthy way. If you get attacked or are often the brunt of negative comments, this is a show you don't want to miss.

ADHD Accommodations in College: Insights and Tips
The Americans with Disabilities Act, which calls for accommodations and support for those with physical and invisible disabilities, and the increasing number of students needing accommodations are changing the landscape of accommodations offered in college for the better. Nonetheless, it takes time, money, and effort to obtain the accommodations that will best work for you. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Romaney Berson ( who has learned from the school of hard knocks the ins and outs of navigating the system. Listen to this show as she shares her insights and tips on how to navigate the system and give your student the best chance of receiving the proper accommodations to set them up for success. 

ADHD, Dopamine, and Self-Medicating Behavior, a Conversation
Those with ADHD are often prone to abusive or impulsive behavior referred to as self-medicating. Dr. Kenneth Blum shares insight about ADHD, dopamine, and self-medicating behaviors. Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often involved in behavior that is referred to as self-medicating. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Kenneth Blum who coined the phrase "rewards deficit syndrome." We have a generalized discussion about ADHD, dopamine, and self-medicating behaviors. If you are impacted by ADHD and are curious why those with ADHD are more prone to abuse or impulsivity, this is a show you won't want to miss.

 ADHD & Emotional Self-Regulation: Fight, Flight, or Freeze
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder isn't a deficit of attention but rather a self-regulation issue. Attention, emotions, and bodily movement are all things one must self-regulate but are not always an easy task for those with ADHD. In this episode, we interview Dr. David Nowell ( on emotional self-regulation, the brain's automatic response in the face of a threat, the impact of that threat on those with ADHD, and the challenges of overriding the automatic response. If you've got ADHD, struggle with emotions or anger, or find yourself paralyzed, you won't want to miss this insightful interview.

Be sure to visit the Attention Talk News website  
Attention Talk Network... Your ADHD information Source!
Video News

Videos Released Since Our Last Newsletter

ADHD Tip: Relaxing Conversation with a Hyperactive ADDer
For many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder not to move is not to relax. In fact some with ADHD crawl out of their skin if they are forced to just sit. In this video ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares a true story... an obvious solution that helped a couple connect and have a focused conversation. If you have hyperactive ADHD and are looking for a tip to enable you to have a focused conversation with your significant other, watch this video.  
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ADHD Tips: Talking Out Loud to Solve Problems
For many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, not to talk is not to think. The question is how do you find people to process out loud? In this episode ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares a true story of using a Walmart greeter to problem solve. If you agree that creativity will help you find obvious ADHD solutions that are not so obvious, don't miss this interview.
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How Much Exercise Helps ADHD?
Exercise is a wonder drug for those who have ADHD. Question is, what dose should you prescribe to yourself? In this video, psychoexerciseologist and ADHD coach Jeff Copper talks about what is the best dosage that will help your ADHD.
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ADHD: Basic Level of Truth
Attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper has found that there are certain basic truths that those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often don't acknowledge that result in them paying attention to the wrong thing and anchoring them in "stud." In this video Jeff shares a few and talks about how acknowledging them is a powerful step in moving forward.
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Organize to Get Organized
Have trouble organizing? Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do. In this video, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares an insight that has played out in dozens of coaching calls, the fact that organization is often a two-step process and the first is trial by error. In the video Jeff shows an example and shares tips to manage the process.
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ADHD Tip: Brainstorming, a Powerful Tool
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should consider creativity and brainstorming their most powerful tool. Why? Because trying different almost always is more productive than just trying harder. In this episode of Attention Talk Video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares key insights and tips around why brainstorming is a most powerful tool for those with ADHD and what obstructs its effectiveness.
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Copyright 2016 Attention Talk News, Tampa, FL, USA.  All rights reserved.  

Editor's Note

Jeff Copper, Editor

Our intention is to share audio, video, and printed content to capture your interest and perhaps inspire you to pay attention to something differently. Enjoy.

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