A New Ecological Atlas: The Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
Audubon Alaska has just released the  Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas , a comprehensive, transboundary atlas that represents the current state of knowledge on Arctic marine subjects ranging from physical oceanography to species ecology to human uses.

Through publication of this Atlas, Audubon Alaska aims to inform sustainable management of the Arctic's natural resources and inspire an appreciation for this spectacular place.

Learn more, and download the Atlas here.
Map Exhibit: Explore Alaska's Arctic Waters
On Friday, August 4th, Audubon Alaska hosted a Map Exhibit at 49th State Brewing Company in Anchorage. We displayed maps from our Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas and presented about how this tool will be used to conserve the Arctic. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this fantastic evening! 

Teshekpuk Lake Implicated in Oil Lease Sale Process tlake
Photo: Gerrit Vyn
Teshekpuk Lake in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska is home to tens of thousands of caribou, over half a million shorebirds, and tens of thousands of molting geese. The lake and its surrounding wetlands are protected by the Bureau of Land Management's current land management plan. In other words, this area is designated unavailable for leasing.

Despite this, the BLM included the Teshekpuk Lake special area in their annual call for lease sale nominations. Typically, only areas currently available for leasing are included in this oil lease sale process.  This perplexing use of the nominations process strongly suggests that the Trump administration is laying the groundwork for opening the Teshekpuk Lake special area to development. Learn more here.

Public comments on these lease sale nominations are due September 6th, but the process is fairly complicated. Audubon Alaska will be providing a link for you to submit public comments soon! Stay posted!  
Photo: Nick Jans
Southeast Alaska Birding Trail southeast

Southeast Alaska boasts the highest density of Marbled Murrelets and Bald Eagles in the world. Tens of thousands of shorebirds migrate through on their way to the Arctic. With more than 350 species observed throughout Southeast Alaska, it can be an exciting birding destination for those who know where to look.

So where are the best places to view birds? And what is the best time of year to go? Audubon Alaska has just started a project to create a birding trail for Southeast Alaska. Similar to birding trails in other states, this will be a virtual trail connecting the best birding locations in the region.

Open-pit Mining Threatens Bristol Bay bristol
Tufted Puffin. Photo: Timothy Rucci, Audubon Photography Awards
The sheer number of birds in Bristol Bay is staggering. More than one million seabirds such as Tufted Puffins nest in the region. Up to 75,000 threatened Steller's Eiders use this area. Shorebirds, ducks, geese, and countless other birds flock to forage, rest, and breed in this astounding marine ecosystem. The region is also teeming with tens of millions of salmon, which provide a foundation for both the local economy and the bird life.

Despite Bristol Bay's immense ecological value, Scott Pruitt and the US EPA are considering undoing protections in the region in order to potentially allow Pebble Mine, an open-pit copper and gold mine, to operate in the area.  Learn more  and take action to protect Bristol Bay!
Frigatebird. Photo: Clark Anderson, Aquaimages
Join Audubon Alaska in the Galápagos  

galapagos Join us as we explore the Galápagos Islands' various habitats - from mangroves, lagoons, and sandy beaches to cactus forests, lush highlands, and grassy pampas.
We'll come face-to-face with iconic wildlife: Blue-footed Boobies, Darwin's finches, Galápagos Penguins, Flightless Cormorants, and giant Galápagos tortoises, among others. Don't miss the wildlife-viewing trip of a lifetime!

'Name that Bird' Photo Quizquiz
Photo: Milo Burcham

Photo: Milo Burcham
Last Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
The previous quiz bird was the Long-tailed Duck. This  bird  is one of the most abundant birds in the high Arctic. The Long-tailed Duck winters on both coasts of North America and on all 5 Great Lakes. The males are known for their distinctive breeding plumage feature - their long tail!

This month's quiz bird breeds  in both the North American and Siberian Arctic and winters mostly in southern South America. The males are known for an inflatable air sac on their chests and their bizarre hooting flight display. 
Upcoming Events  
Rally: No Pebble Mine!rally

United Tribes of Bristol Bay and Save Bristol Bay are hosting a rally in Anchorage this coming Monday, August 21st at 3pm. The rally coincides with  a closed-door meeting about Pebble Mine taking place at the Hotel Captain Cook. 

The message of the rally is: Not now, not ever will we allow Pebble Mine to be built in Bristol Bay.  Given that Bristol Bay provides habitat for tens of millions of shearwaters and half a million puffins, Audubon Alaska heartily agrees!  Learn more here.
Birding Basics II
Do you have some basics down, but want to become a better birder? Explore the exciting world of birding in this workshop! During this all-ages program, you will learn how to identify birds in non-breeding plumage, learn about bird anatomy, and learn how to use apps and field guides to identify birds while in the field. Max Goldman, our Arctic Marine Ecologist , will guide you through all of the basics, suggest local birding spots, and set you on the path to your own birding adventures. 

Save the Date: Benefit Concert with Sassafrasconcert
Friday, October 6th, 9pm
49th State Brewing Company, Anchorage

Audubon Alaska will be hosting a concert with the fantastic local band  Sassafras this October. Put the date on your calendar, and stay posted for more details!