Connections is a monthly newsletter from Burke United Methodist Church.
Do you have news to submit? Great! Contact the staff person who serves that area and they will assist you.
Far Side of Summer
Join us for our final two  potluck small group opportunities at Burke UMC this summer:  August 3 & 17 6-8PM

After enjoying a meal together - one of BUMC's small group leaders will use a Far Side cartoon by Gary Larson to ask a theological question and begin a conversation!

All are welcome; you can attend as many as you are able! Expect laughter, learning, and an opportunity to make and build friendships.


We hope you have enjoyed our special summer music!  Please join us in September as all of our groups start rehearsals again! 

- September 7, 7:30pm
Chancel Choir 

- September 11, 11:30am-1pm (lunch provided): Youth Music, 7th -12th grades, In His Name & Joyful Ringers

- September 124:30-6:30pm
Children's Music, 1st-6th grades, Good News Players & Ringers at  4:30, Good News Singers at  5:15

- September 12, 7:30pm:
Celebration Ringers 

- September 18, during  Sunday School:
Cherub Choir, Preschool & Kindergarten 

Summer Sunday School!

Kindergarten - 4th Grades: SUMMER OF SEUSS!
Using Dr. Seuss and Bible stories, students have the opportunity to learn more about God, themselves, and the world. They engage in discussion, friendship building, crafts, and more! Meet in "The Dock" downstairs (B7) to begin; ages will split from there.

Club 56
5th & 6th grade students are thinking about the Apostles Creed and creating an art installment for our church! This incredible summer opportunity gives "tweens" the chance to brainstorm, build, be creative, discuss - and consider what they believe - and how they can demonstrate it in a cool way for all of us to experience!

Youth: 7th-12th Grades
Students are engaging in discussions of what the Bible does - and doesn't say -- all while enjoying yummy coffee/tea/cocoa & treats!

We are thankful for our teachers who volunteer all year - and now we need YOU to join us as a summer volunteer! We provide everything you need - we just need you there to help us make it happen! See Katie Webster, Katie Glick, or sign up for a few dates in the entryway!

October 1-2, 2016
Volunteer Mission Trip to Shalom Farms. From Saturday, October 1 through Sunday October 2, we will spend a day learning about this ministry and gleaning, to provide much-needed fresh food for struggling people in Richmond.

Learn more about the trip at the Fall Tailgate, Sunday, Sept. 4 after the second service!

We depart at 7 am Saturday morning to spend the day at the farm and stay overnight at a motel in Richmond with worship and reflection Sunday morning at a local UMC church.  This is a great opportunity to do mission work as a family - the work is not taxing, so both young and not-so-young can be productive. Please sign up in the entryway. Approximate cost is $60 per person for adults. Sign up in the entry way.  Questions: contact Jane Wilson.

BUMP is dreaming of a new playground that will provide opportunities for safe play for the kids of BUMP, BUMC, and the neighborhood! We have started a GO FUND ME Campaign ( click here) to reach our goal of raising $37,600. However, if you would like to give a tax deductible donation to support the construction of a new playground, feel free to make a donation to the church office or in the offering plate - just label the donation "PLAYGROUND." Thank you!

Save the Date!  

Our second annual Missions Marketplace benefiting both local and international ministries will be held on Saturday, November 5. 

Last year the Fellowship Hall was filled with crafters from our church as well as AlterNatives, supporting the Highland Support Project.  

This year we hope to have a booth of women from the Wedgewood Community Center who are learning to knit and crochet to create products for sale to augment their income.  

If you are a "crafter" who would like to participate or for more information, please contact Ann Stingle ( [email protected]).  

Burke United Methodist Church participated in the 4th of July Parade in Fairfax City with our friends from Ezher Bloom Mosque. It was a great time - and a profound witness of love and friendship that bridges differences! Thank you to Susan & Taylor Kinsley for leading the effort, to Mike Sawin and Chip Carson for working on the bridge & trailer, and to the many volunteers who marched!

Fisher of Men!
Burke UMC families received a "Fishers of Men Summer Satchel" at the beginning of the summer. It was full of ideas to continue spiritual growth in fun ways throughout the summer! We asked families to share photos of them with their fish wherever their adventures took them this summer - and to remember, that wherever they are -- they are fishers of men! Below are a few of the great photos we have received!


THANK YOU to these incredible adult and youth volunteers who gave of their time & talent to love children and youth in the name of Christ this week at Vacation Bible School and Camp Mission Edge!

Morgan Kelso, Jessica Orefice, Roseanna VanHorn, Stephanie Burdett, Vivian Stewart, Taylor Kinsley, Sarah Boland, Tammy Zerbo, Erica Dahlin, Julie Whitehouse, Ali Verster, Terri Cubeta, Jodi Taylor, Erin Hackney, Gretchen Kuchta, Katherine Helms, Eri Daniel, Andrew Dickens, Michael Muldoon, Ellie Warren, Brennan Stewart, Marilyn Schroeder, Gracie Moore, Jennifer Laguna, Kim Painter, Robert Foglesong, Camille Spain, David Foglesong, Janet McGuire, Sela White, Brandi Campbell, Palmer Moore, Cindy Spain, Demetrius Mitchell, Malynna Silverthorn, Elisa Taylor, Susan Kinsley, Monica Slovenz, Sophie Skalski, Annette Tallant, Melissa Toler, Jill Gruber, Suan Toler, Jackie Skalski, Daniel Dodson, Julie Worley, Hannah Kuchta, Julia Martens, Susan Frenck, Emily Burdett, Dinorah Fernandez, Callie Dickens, McKenna Twitchell, Sarah Snow, Sydney Stanley, Carley Daffan, Jennifer Laguna, Carol Cornell, Shannon Evans, Nisha Ly, Nalin Ly, Linda Wu, Kaitlin Doherty, Lindsey Lyons, Saunders Smith, Olivia Carey, Cecilia Spain, April Nosek, Joy Barnes, Shannon Evans, Sarah Dickens, Kristin Kelso, Becky Twitchell, Gail Martens, Lee Sly, Isabelle 

Check out a video of the first two days of Vacation Bible School by clicking here!

Mission Ministries "Save the Dates"
THE LIFE Youth Ministries!

The incredible youth of Burke UMC have participated in or led as part of five mission camps this summer! These incredible youth are loving God and loving others. We are grateful for their witness and their service!

Save the Date!
Save the Date!  

Our second annual Book Sale benefiting educational needs for our friends in Cambodia will be held on Saturday Sept. 3.  

There will be 6 local authors here available to discuss their books, and a story and craft time for elementary aged children from 10-12.  

Last year year's Book Sale was spearheaded by Melissa Toler as her Girl Scout Silver award project and raised over $800. In addition, all the leftover kids and youth books were donated to the 4 community centers run by FACETS for use in their annual book giveaway program .

We still need donations of gently used books (no textbooks please!) - drop them in the labeled bin in the entryway. 

Acolyte Coordinator
We are searching for an acolyte coordinator to assist in organizing the 3rd - 12th graders who volunteer as part of this special worship ministry. The coordinator will oversee the SignUpGenius account where families identify the dates they can serve, and will encourage people to sign up as they see missing dates. They are also responsible for laundering the acolyte robes from time to time and working with the clergy to train new acolytes once or twice a year. See Katie Webster if you are interested!

In July, we had a joyful visit with Cambodian Missionary Esther Gitobu and her 3 daugthers, Jeannette, Nicole, and Michelle. Every 3 years, missionaries spend a couple of months traveling to the churches in the United States that support them to report on the activities that their donations are used for.  

Esther spoke briefly at both services and then in more detail at a luncheon after church.  She speaks eloquently of the need to provide educational assistance to girls, who without education, have few opportunities and are often lured into sex and labor trafficking.  She also talked about the need for clean water - in many villages, the reason the girls can't go to school is because they are needed to haul water for the family from streams and other bodies of water, often far from their homes.  A well in the village allows families easier access to cleaner water and frees the women for other pursuits.

As UMVIM coordinator, Esther facilitates short-term mission experiences through which volunteers can grow to appreciate the transformational power of serving and being served. She works with teams and individual volunteers from Japan, Singapore, Korea, Switzerland, and the United States. 

Her greatest joy, Esther says, is "to see volunteer teams share their resources, skills, and manpower with churches and programs in Cambodia, only to walk away completely and forever transformed by how much more the Khmer people teach and give them in return. The road of transformational servanthood is a two-way street."  
What is that funny looking stack of books in the entryway?  

Every year we collect school supplies and buy backpacks for kids in our neighborhood whose parents are struggling.  Our "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" campaign collects school supplies, backpacks and money for scholarships to help kids locally.  

Our packed back packs will go to kids at Bethany House, all of the kids who attend Camp Rising Hope, and some of the hundreds of kids served by ECHO.  

During this time, we also collect for scholarships for our own preschool and for donations to help fund our Weekend Food Bags and Middle School Munchies "Hungry Kids" initiatives.  See the display in the entryway to see how your family can  participate!

Part of our Back to School program is "The Battle of the High Schools"

Drop your change in the barrel for your favorite school - drop folding money in the other schools' barrels!

The school's score is determined by adding the change and subtracting the value of the bills!  Standings as of July 31:
#1 South County
#2 West Springfield
#3 Lake Braddock
#4 Robinson
All money raised will be used to support our Weekend Food Bags program.  

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