Getting out into
Nature 🌳

I always remember how I felt as a kid growing up after spending all day outside. It was usually around the horses we owned—whether riding, fixing fences or cleaning stalls—there was always a happy feeling being outside in the bright sunlight and long summer days before returning to school in the fall. It was a carefree feeling and a delicate camaraderie between “us” and Gaia; Mother Nature. It also shown itself hiking on the Olympia Peninsula or on or around Lake Washington or Puget Sound later, as I grew older. I wonder now, do soul energies react with Gaia? Have we been missing out in our alignment with the Earth as our busy lives keep us away from the outdoors?

As summer begins to wind down, there is still time to get yourself, your family and kids out into nature—and absorb the subtle energies Mother Nature offers us as part of our overall health and well-being. The subtle summer breezes of our lakes, rivers, oceans, seas, or mountain wilderness or retreat offer a “mental break” from the stresses which normally occupy our daily lives. Even the “dirt” seems to carry something for our benefit, as a walk along the beach will prove or a hike into the forest or a picnic in the park. It’s just that feeling of goodness. Perhaps it is the electromagnetic energy that feeds our subtle energy body? Or could it be the energy radiating off the plants—the trees, flowers and crystals or deep within the Earth itself that "entangles" with ours? We seemed more linked than ever before, but at the same disconnected. Is it just that my perception has changed?

 I know from experience that there is a certain “feel” that feeds us—invisible and strange as it may be. Perhaps, we glimpse these energy patterns present through things like the prisms of rainbows? It certainly feels good when we hold a crystal in our hand or watch a beautiful sunset or sunrise standing outdoors. Experience is the evidence. Need more proof?

A Stanford-led study finds quantifiable evidence that walking in nature could lead to a lower risk of depression. Other science investigation is beginning to support the idea that exposure to "greenspace" can improve and influence cognition or memory as well as decrease anxiety and worry. It also coincides with increases in our personal development! Wow! 

In the Children’s classic The Secret Garden , Mary is eventually overcome by the Secret garden’s beauty and magic. And, it opened the most magical space of all—the inner most place of her heart—its birth, renewal, love and joy. 

For the time being, we all know how good it feels to be outside. Science is beginning to validate these feelings. One day, I know we’ll be able to measure the “good vibes” that radiate towards us while we exchange energy with Mother Earth. (Maybe that's why her nickname is "Mother"?) In the meantime—take advantage of the good weather—and all the benefits to be had simply stepping outdoors into Nature! I know she is waiting for you!

"Inspired Wellness
from Within"
~Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP

Thought for the Day: Inspirational Wisdom
"Spiritual reality states that you are never alone! You are indeed here with us, and all else is an illusion. There is so much love within this process. Do you understand this honor we have for you?"
  ~ KRYON 
through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel
A Message from the Angels
~ 24. ~
Happiness, Harmony, Fulfilment
Something is resolved soon. A new page is turned as a concern you have dissolves and gives way to a period of sunshine. A time to relax and enjoy life, free of the worry of doubt that have cast a grey shadow over your life for the past few weeks.
During the coming month or so, try to spend some time in nature. Allow yourself to reconnect with Gaia's nurturing and healing power. Immerse and surround yourself in her natural beauty for she will help you restore your balance, harmonize your energy centers and replenish your body, mind and spirit. It may be difficult for you to switch off at first, but after a few days, as your thoughts slow down, you will settle into a new and more relaxed rhythm.Make the most of this opportunity while you can.
----- Affirmation----
I am physically and emotionally connected
to the healing power
of Mother Earth.
I surround myself with her beauty
and feel a deep sense of peace.
I am free of worry.
Each day I grow stronger
and more relaxed.
My life is in perfect balance.
~Gaia Oracle
The I Ching is at least 5000 years old and is one of the oldest books on the planet and one that has never been out of print since it first appeared. I thought it would be fun to draw a card each month and glean its quantum message--and apply it to our individual and personal circumstances.
Ruling Lines - First (bottom) and fifth

"Be spontaneous. Work forward with no preconceived attitudes. Adopt the wisdom of a small child and you will win through. The correctness of Wu Wang is not in human rules and laws, but rather in the fixed and divine laws of the Universe against which we cannot force ourselves. You are now encountering such laws, and they must be obeyed and cooperated with. If you don't learn to live in harmony with nature, you are banging your head against a brick wall . "
SIXTH (TOP) LINE: To go ahead is impossible. Take time out to enjoy what you have and and what is around you. Be patient, and this time will pass and you will be able to progress again.

FIFTH LINE: Try to stop seeing every event as a disaster. Without rain there can be no sunshine. Only by misfortune can we learn and grow.

FOURTH LINE: Stop listening to the so-called experts. You know as much as they. Listen only to your inner voice.

THIRD LINE: You think you're unlucky--be flattered instead by how much attention the Universe is showing you.

SECOND LINE: If you have expectations, you can only be disappointed. Accept what is on offer without goals or dreams.
FIRST (BOTTOM) LINE: Act with spontaneity and innocence. Trust your instincts; they are right. No matter how strange it seems, follow rightness.

Biological Decoding Here Today
Conflicts and trauma are sometimes obvious and sometimes not and make their presence known to us as dis-ease and imbalance in our lives; manifesting in our body.  Weight issues or acne are obvious to most, but what are the traumas, loyalties and imbalances locked away in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or behind simple allergies and minor illnesses given labels or the diagnosis's we receive at the doctor's office? Do you want healing or just relief? 

The premise is easy. Disease and sicknesses are "nothing more" than emotional conflict(s) or trauma, --lessons to learn (that may be passed down from our ancestors) running in an "invisible" field of energy unknown or unrealized to us until it emerges as our brain's (the ultimate computer) solution for the disturbance deep within our psyche. More simply, the first law of Biological Decoding states: "Every pain or disease originates from a conflict. The conflict is an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating shock that occurs simultaneously in the PSYCHE, the BRAIN, and part of the BODY that corresponds to the type of conflict. Discovering the conflict aids the brain in sending messages to repair the body".

If we are human, we all have unresolved emotional conflicts. Heal them for yourselves--heal them for your kids and break the pattern. Biological Decoding goes hand-in-hand with our allopathic medicine today which addresses the mechanical aspects of our disease.

How can I help you today?

The Biology of Decoding is an amazing tool to assist in the discovery of the root cause of dis-ease.  This discovery and decoding opens the door to healing, deepens spiritual understanding of who we are and releases limiting beliefs and patterns.

"If the mind doth bend, disease can end."
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, MD

For more information on Biological Decoding call  954-661-1972

Cathy Silver, HC, AADP
" Inspired Wellness from Within"

Medicinal Plant: Calendula officinalis
For 2018 I thought it would be interesting to highlight a medicinal plant--one that you may or may not know about. The use of plants as medicines predates written human history. Many of the herbs and spices used by humans to season food also yield useful medicinal compounds. The use of herbs and spices in cuisine developed in part as a response to the threat of food-borne pathogens. Awareness always gives us more options. Y ou can then make the decision to explore the qualities further and discover if the nutrition and benefits are right for you!
Calendula ( Caldendula Officinalis ) is one of the most popularly grown  edible flowers . Although Calendula is commonly called "Pot Marigold", they are not in the same genus as the common  marigold Tagetes . They are actually part of the same family, Asteraceae, along with daisies and chrysanthemums. You can see the resemblance in their daisy-like flowers.

Calendula's are annuals in most places and love the full sun. They are picked and dried on racks or special screens. The plant was originally thought to be native to Europe, but now seems brought from Egypt centuries ago. However, it is now a common garden flower today with the benefits! The Egyptian Healers relied on it as a rejuvenation herb--and doctors during the civil war used it on wounds. It has a long history of use.

Medicinal Benefits - According to Nature's Medicine, Plants that Heal , it is used today as an ointment for insect stings, and bites, rashes, cuts and common skin problems. Calendula tea is also used for fevers.

It is the bioactive chemicals in the flowering plants--some of the most complex chemicals in all of nature that make them so powerful and give us the beneficial healing properties. According to Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, Calendula is one of the most versatile and important herbal medicines. It is the same Calendula as used in homeopathic preparations, but the method of preparation differs.

It's action is one of immune stimulation, anti-protozoal, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-hemorrhage, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial, anti-emetic, anti-cancer-- among other potent benefits.

It is used and helpful for both internal and external uses. External uses include: Wounds where the skin is broken. Sores, leg ulcers, & abscess, etc. Sore nipples in nursing mothers, varicose veins, nosebleeds, grazed knees in schoolchildren, bee, wasp and other insect stings. It is also good for inflamed nails, dry chapped skin and wips--and wind burn.
Everything we put into our body synthesizes into something whether it happens to be thoughts and words, our experiences and lifestyle or our food. 

In the course of our busy lives, few of us ever stop to think (speaking for myself now) ---what does this actually do for my well-being? That is why I continue to focus on one food or ingredient each month. Not to memorize facts, but to bring more awareness to our consciousness about what we choose to eat. It affects us in many ways. 

Recipe of the Month: Chicken Farro Salad
Main Dish ~ Chicken Farro Salad

Bon Appetite!

Serves 2 to 3 - as a Main Meal

Prep Time: about 45-60 minutes


1 cup farro
1 cup apple cider
2 tsp. kosher salt
2 bay leaves
8 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tablespoons fresh Meyer-lemon juice
1/2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup whole pistachio nuts
2 cups arugula/spinach leaves mixed
1 tsp lightly dried organic parsley or freshly chopped
1/2 cup fresh spearmint leaves, chopped or sliced in ribbons
3/4 cup halved cherry tomatoes (about 10)
1/3 cup thinly sliced radishes
1 green onion thinly sliced
1 organic chicken breast, boiled and shredded


  • Boil chicken breast and set aside. Shred when cool.
  • In a medium saucepan, bring farro, apple cider, salt, bay leaves and 2 cups water to a simmer. Simmer until farro is tender and liquid evaporates--about 30 minutes. When tender, let farro cool and throw bay leaves away.
  • To make Salad dressing, whisk olive oil, lemon juice and salt together. Or, if you have a jar--put above ingredients in a small jar, shake. Set aside.
  • Add cooled farro, cheese, and pistachio nuts and mix well--stirring in a bit of the salad dressing to coat. This mixture can be prepared and will keep up to four hours at room temperature or covered overnight in the refrigerator (bring to room temperature before serving). Just before serving, fold in arugula/spinach, herbs, green onion, sliced tomatoes, radishes, & chicken. Stir in remaining salad dressing--and adjust seasonings, adding more salt to taste if necessary.
  • Serve additional Parmesan cheese on the side.

Cathy's notes: This is an adaption of a recipe from the New York Times. I added the chicken, threw in the green onions and mixed the greens. I wanted it more "main-dishy" and sometimes arugula can be overpowering for some folks. It was filling for two. The fresh mint from my garden gave it a wonderful unexpected twist. I also left the pistachio nuts whole, rather than chop them up. My friend Laura joined me for the meal and had this to say when I asked her what she thought:

"Tasted great. Had the lightness of a salad, but was substantial enough to leave you feeling satiated. I liked the Farro too. I never heard of the stuff before, and it was really good. The mint was a refreshing touch."

I would call this a another "keeper" - Enjoy!

This recipe was adapted from The New York Time's Charlie Bird 

Blog - Parting Thoughts . . .

"Exploring the Multidimensional Side of Ourselves!"

“Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent.” 

     ~Arthur Conan Doyle (Author of Sherlock Holmes)

I walked into the Pompano Civic Center in March of 2004 to meet Sally Baldwin and listen and explore the concept of channeling. I sat in the second row—dead center—intently listening and trying to figure out how this process worked. She began and continued for a good 20 minutes. There were no notes and no papers visible on the table where she sat. I thought to myself— no one could memorize all that. I was intrigued and puzzled at the same time. Her words were wise—and answers astute. During the break, I walked over to say hello and introduce myself. She smiled warmly and said, “Welcome back”. I replied that this was the first meeting I had attended—and she answered—“We must know each other from the Astral.” I simply nodded my head and smiled, thinking to myself, “What the hell is the astral?” Years later, I am now aware that she was tapping into a (Click)

Every Truth passes through three stages before it is accepted.  In the first it is ridiculed, next it is opposed; in the third, it is regarded as self evident.

~Arthur Shopenauer (19th Century Philosopher)

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 "Riding the Lighting Beam is one of the most authentic books I have ever read. Thank you, Cathy, for giving birth to this helpful guide to this human experience."

"Your powerful gift of storytelling, sets the stage for us to come and spend some time in "your world!" While we're there, we can't help but notice many familiar reflections of ourselves!. The insights that you share carry the energy of an "awakened one!" Your triumphs and failures, are our triumphs and failures! Can't wait for the next addition of your series!"

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Cathrine Silver
Holistic Health Counselor
Email • [email protected]
Phone • 954-661-1972