Chers membres & amis,

Please find below our programs & events of the month. As our schedule gets lighter in August, we will not send weekly emails: only reminders, a week prior to each activity. Bon �t� !
The team of your Alliance Fran�aise of Greenwich
Proust Group
Thursday, August 14 | 5-7pm
Byram Shubert Library
21 Mead Avenue - Greenwich, CT

In this month reading, the narrator having gained access to the salon of the Duchess de Guermantes, makes comments about the hierarchy of the aristocracy and the qualities they seek in the people they invite in their midst. Following is an excerpt: 

"What the Duchesse de Guermantes valued above everything else was not intellect; it was, according to her, that superior, more exquisite form of the human intellect exalted to a verbal variety of talent - wit."
Reed Lecture Conversation
Mardi 19 Ao�t | 13h30 
Biblioth�que de Byram
21 Mead Avenue - Greenwich, CT

Louis-Philippe : un roi de France au Far West

Club de Lecture
R�union de rentr�e
Mercredi 27 Ao�t | 13h30
Biblioth�que de Byram
21 Mead Avenue - Greenwich, CT

La premi�re r�union de l'ann�e 2014-2015 aura lieu le mercredi 27 Ao�t, � 13h30, � la biblioth�que de Byram. Ce sera l'occasion de distribuer les livres et organiser les groupes, alors ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous et venez nombreux : les nouveaux venus seront bienvenus !

Au programme:
Les D�sorient�s - Amin Maalouf
L'Oeuvre au noir - Marguerite Yourcenar
Lettres persanes - Montesquieu
Les R�veries du promeneur solitaire - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
La Chute de l'Empire romain - Max Gallo
Immersion Day
Saturday, August 30 | 12-4pm
AFG Classroom
299 Greenwich Ave - Greenwich, CT
cost: $95 per person

Paroles et Musique : La Chanson Fran�aise

Si vous aimez la chanson francophone classique ou plus moderne, cette journ�e est pour vous! D'Edith Piaf � Carla Bruni, de Jacques Brel � Stromae, les auteurs jouent avec la langue fran�aise pour nous faire chanter, nous faire danser ou nous faire r�ver...

If you like French songs, either classic or modern, from France or French-speaking countries, this is your day! From Edith Piaf to Carla Bruni, Jacques Brel and Stromae, among others, these singer-songwriters play with the French language to make us sing, dance, and dream...