Inspired by a slew of recent new patients who were consuming way more protein than their bodies required, we have written this month's He Said, She Said section on protein needs and why so much misinformation is circulating on the subject.
Cutting down on protein to more appropriate levels creates room for more balanced eating, as illustrated in this month's recipe from our friends at Healthy Habits Kitchen. They provide nutritious meal kits made from scratch, delivered straight to your door, and ready to be cooked, so you can make a convenient, quick dinner at home. You can also pick up meals at their kitchen located at 36 Washington Street in Wellesley.
If you would like to try them out, wait until September 2nd when they return from vacation, and then use the discount code SOOLMAN at checkout to receive $10.00 off your first order (discount expires on 9/15/14). Then let us and them know what you think!
Jonah Soolman, Registered Dietitian / Co-Owner
Obesity Cuts Life Expectancy?
When we adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors, our body weight might change as well, but if we credit the weight change instead of the behavior change then we have it backwards. Read More
He Said, She Said: Protein
Why are we as a society seemingly obsessed with protein, and how much do we really need?
He Said
Most Americans get more than enough protein. So why is it then that we routinely see patients who are feeding themselves as much protein as a hospitalized third-degree burn victim?
Read More
She Said
In my work with those struggling with eating disorders, it seems as if protein can do no wrong. Nine times out of 10, my patients find protein to be much more benign than carbohydrate or fat. The logic behind this assumption is flawed for a few reasons.
Quinoa Salad with Toasted Pistachios and Dried Pineapple