Center Stage Software

August 2013 Newsletter

addfeesHow to add service charges to Wintix
The addition of service charges is one way theaters and organizations can help maintain a healthy bottom line.

Service fees are easy to set up in Wintix. Just make sure to set them up when you set up the first performance of a show so the charges carry automatically to all performances. Otherwise, you have to add them to each individual performance and who wants to do all that extra work?

One thing that really makes Center Stage Software stand out from other ticketing software companies is that we never charge you a per ticket fee, so you get to keep all your service charges in your pocket, not ours. You're welcome.

Contact Us

Center Stage Software

1191 Luxton St.

Seaside, California 93955



Sales: Jim and Trudy Hines  480-981-0073




Center Stage Software
updateImportant Wintix updates 
Here is a look at the latest Wintix updates:
  • "Print tickets for this date and time" is now the default option when adding a show.
Wintix will automatically add that option to each performance you input, so you don't have to worry about going back and adding it to each performance if you forgot to add it to the first performance.
  • Removing duplications

If there are duplications with different emails or no emails, Wintix leaves the duplication so a record is not accidentally erased. 

  • Printing sales receipts

Wintix will display an error if there is no printer attached. 

  • Customer history form

A new customer history form has been created. This new form will display all text in the remarks field.

exchangeseatsHow to exchange seats in Wintix  
Exchanging seats can be a bothersome, but necessary, fact of box office life.

There are two ways to accomplish this in Wintix. While simple, each has some specific steps that need to be taken to ensure your sales records will be accurate.

The instructions in the link below are for a simple, even exchange, where no money is collected or refunded.

Please give us your input!
Are you experiencing any issues regarding exchanges? Do you have any recommendations or suggestions on how we can improve the exchange process? Please contact Diane Rowe: or 831-583-0641.
quicksaleRun multiple instances of Wintix to do quick sales and regular sales at the same time 

Quick sale is a handy feature in Wintix to sell tickets at the door and is designed to get patrons in the house and seated quickly. The thought is that will call tickets are picked up at another window. If the patron had lost their tickets, then the box office person at will call could look up the patron's information using the normal customer look up feature. 


But what if you want to do both tasks at each window? If you are in the middle of a quick sale and need to look up customer information, you need to exit the quick sale to search a customer record. That's a lot of extra work and time when there is a line of people waiting for your attention.


There's a better way!


Wintix can run multiple instances on the same computer at the same time, so you can handle this issue by signing into Wintix multiple times.


Sign in once and leave the program open to do anything you want like reprint tickets or look up a customer order.


Sign in a second time and use that instance to do quick sales.


There will be two Wintix icons at the bottom of your screen. You just need to remember which Wintix icon is for which task.