Be Connected
Dear Volunteers,
What inspires you?
Were you inspired when you watched your Girl Scout Troop work together to come up with a plan to help their local community? Were you inspired when you saw a shy Girl Scout light up as she discovered a new talent? Were you inspired when you saw your group of Brownies grow up to Ambassadors and went from Girl Scout vests to graduation caps and gowns?
No matter what drives your passion to be a Girl Scout volunteer, we want to be there for you to keep up your momentum. Join us for our upcoming Volunteer Kick-Off Convention to share your inspiration and energize for the upcoming year.
You inspire us!
You inspire us because you are the heart, soul and hands that help our Girl Scouts discover the world around them, encourage them to be the girl that they are, and give them the confidence to know that they can do amazing things. And they have done amazing things. To hear about some of these amazing things, join us at our upcoming fundraiser, Inspiring Generations Gala.
Thank you for your inspiration! Let's continue to inspire each other and our Girl Scouts!
| Carolyn Warman | Jane Ransom | Board Chair | President & CEO |
Volunteer Kick-Off Convention
The upcoming Girl Scout year is still two months away, but we can't wait to get started with the Volunteer Kick-Off Convention! 2014-2015 GSHPA volunteers are all invited to attend our Volunteer Kick-Off Convention on Saturday, Sept. 6 from 10:30 a.m.-3:30 pm. at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Grantville!
We have 15 breakout workshops to pick from, which include sneak peeks into new outdoor programs, opportunities to brush up on volunteer essentials, and time to network and meet volunteers from around our council. Not to mention we are debuting Change It Up!-our new two-year signature program. You won't want to miss it!
Want to learn more? Check out the itinerary below. Click here to register.
2014 Volunteer Kick-Off Convention Itinerary
10:00 a.m. - Registration Opens
10:30 a.m. - Welcome
11:00 - 11:45 a.m. - Session 1
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Lunch (Please bring your own bagged lunch; unfortunately refrigerators are not available.)
12:30 - 12:45 p.m. - Afternoon Inspirational Moment
1:00 - 1:45 p.m. - Session 2
2:00 - 2:45 p.m. - Session 3
3:00 - 3:30 p.m. - Closing
While there is no charge to attend, pre-registration is required and participants must be both - GSHPA volunteers and registered adult members for the 2014-2015 Girl Scout year.
Space is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 31, 2014.
What Does 'Girl Led' Mean?
Girl Scouts lead in all aspects of their lives like in school, at home, and in their community, but how do they lead in Girl Scouts? Part of an enriching Girl Scout experience is creating a Girl-Led environment. Encourage girls to brainstorm, make decisions, organize events, and be active in the planning process. The best part is that Girl Scouts of all ages can take the lead!
Age Matters
Younger Girl Scouts might be overwhelmed with a blank slate and will need options to pick from. Older Girl Scouts want might want to work together to create a troop calendar from scratch.
Every Girl Has a Voice
Every girl has an opinion, but they might be too shy to express it. Make voicing opinions less intimidating by breaking large groups down into smaller ones so everyone gets a chance or a vote. Girls are unique and with Girl Scouts the opportunities are endless. The artist, outdoor enthusiast, philanthropist, scholar and athlete should all have a say in Girl Scout activities to create a well-rounded experience for everyone.
Be a Facilitator
From small details to the big picture, girls can make decisions as you facilitate the discussion. Encourage them to ask questions and if they get stumped guide them along the way. Do they want to plan a community service project or even a fieldtrip? For older Girl Scouts, ask them who, what, where, when, why and how to get the brainstorming process going. For younger Girl Scouts, give them a list to pick from and help them plan from there.
The Benefits
When a troop completes a project from start to finish, they will be able to take pride and ownership in their accomplishments. When they plan what they'll do, they'll love what they do! They will be inspired to tackle the next project, whether it would be a trip, community service project, an event, or a troop meeting. The process will not only encourage teamwork, but individually make each girl feel empowered.
Click here to check out our Volunteer Essentials Guide for more Girl-Led tips.
Save the Date-Laura Muia Hall Grand Opening
Hundreds of Girl Scout campers have been enjoying the brand new Camp Archbald dining hall and now it is YOUR turn! Please join us on Saturday, September 13 from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. when we officially open the new dining hall in honor and celebration of Laura Muia, a woman who was a GSHPA advocate, board member, volunteer and camp enthusiast. Reminisce when you see the gallery of decorated shutters from the former dining hall and imagine a place where girls will make unforgettable memories with new friends. Take a walk down memory 'trail' or, if it's your first time at Camp Archbald in Kingsley, PA, take in the scenic views and see the exciting facilities, like our climbing tower on a guided tour of camp. Click here to register. We look forward to sharing this moment with you!
Inspiring Generations Gala
The Board of Directors of the Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania cordially invites you to the 2014 Inspiring Generations Gala on Wednesday, September 10 at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey to benefit Girl Scouts across our council.
Featuring Keynote Speaker Anna Maria Ch�vez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and the Presentation of the 2014 Inspiring Generations Honorees.
These eight Honorees sparked inspiration to everyone around them due to their amazing efforts to help others and their community. Join us at the 2014 Inspiring Generations Gala to help us celebrate their achievements.
Inspiring Generations 2014 Award - Senator Patricia Vance
Trailblazer Awards - Rebecca Cole, Dauphin County and Grace Wagler, Dauphin County
Rising Star Awards - Alisa Hoverter, York County; Brianna Kiretchjian, Pike County; Becky Van Kirk, Centre County
Distinguished Leadership Awards - Crystal Christ, Lebanon County and Amy Martin-Rineer, Lancaster County
September 10, 2014
Hershey Lodge in Hershey (325 University Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)
Time: 5:30 p.m. Reception and 6:45 p.m. Dinner
Click here to register.
RSVP by August 29, 2014.
For questions about Inspiring Generations Gala, please email or call 1.800.692.7816.
Don't Forget the Certificate of Insurance!
A Girl Scout troop meeting is a great, safe place for a girl to discover new things, build friendships with other girls, and have fun! But before the fun begins-make sure that you have a Certificate of Insurance (COI) on file with GSHPA for your meeting space before your first 2014-2015 Girl Scout meeting.
October 1st kicks off the new Girl Scout year and whether you plan to have your meetings in a school, a church or a community facility you must provide GSHPA with a copy of the meeting facility's COI.
What does a valid COI include?
- Insurance carrier rated "A" or better by an insurance rating organization such as A.M. Best.
- $1,000,000 limit minimum per high risk occurrence (may be higher depending on the number of people and activity).
- Scheduled event/activity falls within the policy period shown.
- Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania is named as additional insured.
When do I need a COI?
COI is required when the Council, Troop/Group or Girl Scout Community is engaging in activities, such as:
- Facilities used for overnights-except Federal/State/Local government facilities (including any facility being used outside their normal business hours).
- Usage of any third party vendor or service. This includes, but is not limited to: guides, instructors, rental of equipment or participation in an activity at the vendor's location.
Tip: Allow at least two weeks to begin the process of obtaining a COI for your meeting space!
For more information check our Volunteer Essentials Guide, Chapter 4: Safety-Wise or visit our Forms page.
For questions regarding COI, email Pat Hoyt at or call 1.800.692.7816.
Ready, Set, GO! --- Sprint for our Girl Scouts!
Stretch out, lace up, and get going to the Thin Mint Sprint on October 5 from noon to 2 p.m. at Boalsburg Museum in Centre County and get your legs moving for Girl Scouts! Grab your friends and family to join in on the race!
Whether you dash, trot or sprint you will have a fun time AND you will be helping local Girl Scouts!
Register before September 1 and get a special Early Bird Price!!
- Do-si-dos Dash (20-yards)-5 years old and under.
- (Cost: FREE and each runner will receive finish line beads.)
- Tagalong Trot (� mile) -6 years old and up-$12
- Thin Mint Sprint (5K) -walkers and runner of any age. -$20
Bonus-Receive a FREE Thin Mint Sprint t-shirt when you register by Sept. 1st!
Click here to register for the race.
Adult Volunteer Weekend Slated for Sept. 19-21
ALL Girl Scout adult volunteers registered for the current Girl Scout membership year are invited to participate in this great learning opportunity at Camp Furnace Hills on September 19 - 21. Whether you are a leader or resource person looking to brush up on skills, or a Girl Scout Alumnae who wants to reconnect with camp and make friends, you won't want to miss this exciting opportunity. Plan to come and visit with other adult Girl Scouts and get ideas on what they do with their girls or just relax! Click here for more info.
Save the Date!
September 6 - 2014-2015 Volunteer Kick-off Convention @ Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Grantville, PA
September 10 - Inspiring Generations Gala in Hershey
September 13 - Laura Muia Hall Grand Opening at Camp Archbald
September 19-21 - Adult Volunteer Weekend at Camp Furnace Hills
October 1 - 2014-2015 Girl Scout year begins
October 5 - Thin Mint Sprint in State College
November 8-9 - aMAZE Weekend for Cadettes at Camp Archbald
(Registration to open October 1)
November 22 - Change It Up! Kick-Off in Wilkes-Barre
(Registration to open October 1)