Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 86 - November 2015

If your school is in New England, here's a chance to win a school visit from a New England author for free just by reading free books!  Not in New England?  Here's a link to find authors who live in your state (I have moved to TN).  Thanks to the kids at Sally K. Ride Elementary in Texas for greeting me with thousands of polka dots!
     And just in case you're not ready for Halloween, check out these literary costumes and this adorable crocheted mermaid tale!  Here are some Halloween books to enjoy.
     And there's an app for that:  check out this Reading Train app, recommended on Literacy Daily.
Chicken Soup wants your short stories!
Do you have some short stories in a drawer somewhere about something that really happened to you or a friend?  The Chicken Soup series is looking for that story!  Click here to see the books they are working on now, including a teacher one!
My favorite Facebook pictures from this month!  Hope you'll like my author page.

Christmas shopping and free autographs!
Yes, I am one of those annoying people who shops early.  I've already purchased a few gifts, but I need to get going.  I like to have the month of December to focus on family, baking, decorating, and church.  If you need a gift for a young mermaid lover, I highly recommend The Mermaid Tales, of course, but also a T-shirt, available through PayPal.  If you are purchasing books, I'd be happy to send you autographed bookplates.  Just contact me here with where to send them and who to autograph it for.  And check out this chance to win a mermaid tail!
My newest book, Wish Upon a StarFish is about school plays, so this article about increasing reading fluency with Reader's Theater caught my eye.  My website has some free reader's theater for you and your class.  And movies are like plays-how cool would it be to have Jack Black star in a movie about your book?  That's what happens in the new Goosebumps movie.  With Thanksgiving around the corner, I have challenged other authors to join me in the Thankful Author Event.  Wishing you many blessings this Thanksgiving!