Say Yes to Avon
May 12, 2013
District Manager:
Marie Gainer
Cell:  843.325.9808
Office:  843.477.1510
Campaign 11 - 5/14
Campaign 12 - 5/28
Campaign 13 - 6/11
Helpful Phone Numbers:
Product Information
(800) 445-2866
Customer Servce
(513) 551-2866
e-Rep/Internet Questions
(888) 514-2866
e-Customer Returns
(800) 500-2866
Leadership Desk
(800) 443-2831
Fundraiser Desk
(800) 894-5496

$1,550+                      50%
$900-$1,549               45%
$425-$899                  40%
$285-$424                  35%
$145-$284                  30%
$  50-$144                  20%
$  0-$49.99                 0%
Earnings numbers are based on sales from our core product line where Representatives receive full earnings.  Some products are offered at a 20% fixed-earnings level.
Say "Yes!" to Avon in
Campaigns 11 & 12
Do you work for or know a business, organization or church  that would allow us to set-up our beautiful Avon tent in their parking lot?  If so, we are looking for locations that would allow us to have Customer Search events where we give away samples, brochures and raffle gift basket to prospective new Customers.  We are especially interested in promoting Bug Guard as we approach the warmer months.  Please provide me a contact name and phone number so that I can schedule a date on our calendar. 
Harley Bike Week
Vendor Tent at
South Strand Assembly of God
May 11-May 19 
Pat & Ralph Chappell
Heritage Festival - Johnsonville
May 17 & 18
Rep. Wendy Browder
Loris Farmers Market
Various Thursdays
Rep. Wendy Parker
Tara Hall Paddle Fest - Georgetown
June 15
Rep. Gladys Collins
  Hello District 1402!
Don't forget that our orders will now be shipping out of Zanesville, Ohio.  It is important to place your orders prior to our noon deadline.  Campaign 11 orders are due in no later than noon on Tuesday, May 14th. 
Avon Magic Bus Tour
Magic Bus Tour Coming to 
Myrtle Beach!
The Avon Magic Bus Tour will be in Myrtle Beach on May 23 and May 24 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Plaza at Carolina Forest.  Leadership Representatives from our District and District 1409 will be working at the Bus Tour giving out Bug Guard samples to customers and looking for new Avon Representatives!
Invite your customers to stop by to get their free samples and to register for our $200 give-a-way basket.  The Plaza at Carolina Forest is located just north of the Hwy. 501 Tanger Outlets. 
  Magic Bus


"TOP 10's LIST"


New Representatives

Length of Association - New - 6 Campaigns


1.   Vanessa Grant - $818

2.   Deborah Gants - $575

3.   Linda Rabon - $516

4.   Cindy Whitt - $471 (1st Campaign!)

5.   Kristal Shaw - $427

6.   Carrie Harrell Winns - $393

7.   Fra Gaona-Sepulveda - $370

8.   Ashley Ridgeway - $357

9.   Summer Fuller - $332

10. Racheal Smith - $314



 Established Representatives

Length of Association - 7+ Campaigns

Not yet Presidents Club


1.   Sharon Cooper - $958

2.   Verbatine Stewart - $753

3.   Nellie Long - $623

4.   Laura Denbleyker - $617

5.   Andria Bryan - $598

6.   Lula Lawrence - $555

7.   Vanessa Aklin - $516

8.   Rosa Peralta-Perez - $482

9.   SueAnn Lee - $469

10. Harley Cribb - $462



Presidents Club Representatives


1.   Dr. Timothy Brown - $3,350

2.   Annette Litteken - $2,301

3.   Gale Vereen - $2,014

4.   Faye Crigger - $1,929

5.   MariAnn Molina-Cuevas - $1,850

6.   Celestine Dennison - $1,799

7.   Joyce Poplin - $1,668

8.   Gladys Collins - $1,470

9.   Renee McKnight - $1,081

10. Shirley Green - $903


 Great job!

Campaign 12     
Campaign 12 Tips
Click on the link below to see the Campaign 12
Brochure Store Map with loads of great selling tips and ideas to help you sell from YOUR Avon Store department by department!
New(er) Representative
May 12- 8 p.m.
Online Meeting
Do you want to learn more about your new Avon business?  Do you want more customers and earn more money?  If you answer "yes", then plan on attending our new(er) Representative Training.  Also, we'll help teach you how to put in your first order!  So bring your laptop if you have one!
Hope to see you online!
Click on this link
at 8 p.m.
Then call the following toll-free number to join the audio:
enter passcode:
2013 Mrs Albee
 Save the date!
Did you achieve Presidents Club?  If so, our annual President's Club Tribute will be held on Friday, June 7th at the Embassy Suites in North Charleston.
We will be joining 4 other Districts for this luncheon to honor you and your success!
More details to come...stayed tuned!  Official invitations should be coming to you in the mail early in May.
Avon Leadership
Are you ready to earn more money?  Start your Avon team today.  For more information click on this link to see the earning opportunity in our Leadership Program and then call me to learn more!
Believe in Your Success Tracker
Avon District 1402 | | | 4028 Bayfield Loop
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

District 1402 - Circle of Excellence