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Safety on the Farm
While in college I worked for a major equipment chain, where part of my job was to oversee safety. This was a natural fit for me, as my parents had enrolled me in many farm safety day camps growing up. To make sure these shops were compliant on safety regulations, I relied heavily on checklists and DVDs from our insurance agent. I also began teaching short day classes to employees on Forklift safety, lifting safely, etc. In addition, I started a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) database in each location so employees would have information on chemicals readily accessible. Simple things like adding fire extinguishers and first aid kids to service trucks were a way of mitigating risk. Continue Reading
Farm Fun

Andrew Dahl, Loan Underwriter, and a few of his friends.
Lender Lingo
Lender’s Title Insurance Policy

 When you finance the purchase of land the lender will require that you obtain an insurance policy that will protect them from claims against the property before the loan was closed. This could be liens filed by contractors, or even a claim by previous heirs. The lender is the insured party and receives the funds to pay the loan off in the event of an unsettled claim. The borrower doesn’t receive anything for their equity in the property.
Crunchy Lemonade Drumsticks

Looking for something different for your Memorial Day Cookout? Look no further. Find the recipe here.