Beaver Creek Community Calendar

March 7, 2018


Sat, 3/10--8 AM at the Nikki's Grill parking lot or at the Recycling Bins
Beaver Creek Road Cleanup
Saturday, 3/10, 8 AM
Help Needed for BC Road Cleanup
Verde Valley Ancestral Gardens has joined forces with the Beaver Creek Kiwanis for a road cleanup on Beaver Creek Road this Saturday, March 10, between McGuireville and Beaver Creek School starting at 8 AM.  Please volunteer with us to get this done.  Trash pickup sticks and county-approved bags will be available from VVAG in the Nikki's Grill parking lot and at the Kiwanis sign in located by the recycling bins.  We are asking you to donate one hour of your time to help cleanup what should be beautiful Beaver Creek Rd. Caution signs will be out along BC Road.  Please wear gloves!

Special thank-yous to Nancy Rowland of VVAG who has spent much time organizing this event and arranging for county pick up of the trash bags the following week, and to Eileen Conn, Rosemary Coker, Bella Donna and an anonymous good neighbor who have been working on their own to put a dent in the trash buildup. 

The plan is for Verde Valley Ancestral Gardens to send volunteers out in pairs along specific areas of Beaver Creek Rd.  Kiwanis is targeting the area around the Y and the recycling bins and heading toward the school if there are sufficient folks to do this.  If anyone has battery operated or sharp clippers or small saws, some lower branch brush clipping is needed near the Gasmart to make removal of plastic easier.

Please spread the word and join us for an hour at 8 AM this Saturday morning.  Wear gloves!
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