Looking for a color that can meet cutting edge requirements yet satisfy the delicate balance between traditional and contemporary tastes? Berenson's newest Canadiana collection, 'Autumn', may be the answer. These beautiful Brushed Brass pieces offer a vibrant contrast to the standard nickel finishes while providing a warm and luxurious appearance.
The Autumn collection actually encompasses products from three popular Canadian collections, Arrowhead, Bravo and Haliburton but share the Brushed Brass (BRB) finish:
-       The Arrowhead Autumn BRB Pulls feature a robust 11/16" width with lengths ranging from 6-5/8" to 14-1/8", and are available with a matching 1-9/16" diameter round Knob.
-       The Bravo Autumn BRB Finger Pulls are ideal for drawers and are available in lengths of 1-3/4", 3", 6" or 9-1/16".
-       The versatile Haliburton Autumn BRB Pulls are available in lengths ranging from 5-3/4" to 18-1/2" with a matching 1-3/8" square Knob.
We have all been watching the Canadian dollar plummet against the U.S. dollar for the past few months. In the past 6 months, the USD has appreciated about 15% and is starting to have a big impact as the majority of the goods Berenson sells are purchased in U.S. Dollars.

We are very aware of the impact cost increases can have on your business and your ability to remain competitive, but we are now at the point that we will need to adjust our selling prices to reflect the lower value of the Canadian dollar.  Accordingly, we will be implementing a price increase averaging 9.8%, depending on the product line, commencing March 21, 2016.
Thank you for your continued business. Please contact your sales representative or head office should you have any questions or require more specific information.    
Do you require technical information, quotes or training? Our knowledgeable field sales
representatives are available to provide expert in-house assistance for whatever you need.
If you are in an area without a regional sales representative, our inside customer service department is also available to help. Please contact us any time at the coordinates on the Berenson Contact Us page.
Adhesives & Sealants, Assembly Hardware
Bathroom Accessories, Cabinet Doors & Drawers
Closet Solutions, Decorative Hardware, Drawer Slides, Fasteners, Hinges
Kitchen Cabinet Accessories & Organizers
Office Furniture & Accessories, Screws & Bits
321 Hanlan Rd. Unit 1
Woodbridge, ON L4L 3R7
Toll-free 800.268.0578 | Local 905.264.1494 | Fax 905.264.0360