Today's Readings

Reading 1: Isaiah  49:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15, 17
Today's Reflection:
Meghan Powell
JPII '17

In today's Gospel, Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Him three times. Peter promises he would never betray Him, but Peter is weak and falls into sin. He betrays Jesus through denying that he even knows Him.

We too betray Jesus throughout our lives.Through Confession, we ask forgiveness for denying Christ. We promise with His help to not sin again, but with our human faults, we often again and again betray Jesus through sin.

As we journey through Holy Week I encourage you to pray more for the strength to not give into sin, and I challenge you go to Confession for a clean heart as we prepare for His Resurrection.

Jesus entrusted His Church to Peter despite the fact that Peter denied Him three times. Let us also remember that with our imperfections, we can still follow and love Christ, and Christ still loves us. 
St. John Paul II High School & St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School