LAS Productions / FaithBlasts

Keeping The Community Connected

FaithBlasts Announcement

The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit

Along with the

Pentecostal Churches of Jesus Christ

Joyfully request the favor of your presence at the Banquet Honoring our newly

Consecrated Bishop

The Reverend Aaron Sneed, Sr., M.A.R. Ed.

Friday, The Third of December, Two Thousand Ten

At Six o'clock in the evening

Grassy Hill Country Club

441 Clark Lane, Orange, Connecticut


$75.00 Per Adult / $35.00 Per Child 10 and Under

Your registration and all monies must be received on or before

Sunday, The Twenty-eighth of November.

Due to limited seating no walk-ins

If you have any questions, please contact

Elder Theresa Arrington @ (203) 366-5824

By the grace of God and with an eye single to His glory

The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit

Requests the honor of your presence at the

Ordination and Consecration


The Reverend Aaron Sneed, Sr., M.A.R. Ed


Bishop Suffragan

of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut

By His Excellency

The Most Reverend Alfred A. Owens, Jr.

Presiding Bishop

Of the Mount Calvary Holy Church of America

In the presence of His Grace

The Right Reverend Hezekiah X. Walker

Presiding Bishop-elect

of the Pentecostal Churches of Jesus Christ

In the presence of His Grace

The Right Reverend John R. Thompson

Presiding Bishop of the International Royal Preisthood Fellowship

Saturday, The Fourth of December

In the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Ten

Eleven o'clock in the Anti Meriden

Cathedral of the Holy Spirit

729 Union Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut

For more information about Keeping The Community Connected visit Banner Logo
A Division of LAS Productions / LAS Media Group
Tel: 413-FAITH 66 |
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