Like many others in the church and the world, bishops of The United Methodist Church have expressed outrage at the most recent offensive comments of U.S. President Donald Trump. While voicing preference for immigrants from majority-white, European nations like Norway, he reportedly used profanity to disparage Haiti and African nations, along with their majority-black citizens who wish to emigrate to the United States.

"We will not stand by and allow our brothers and sisters to be maligned in such a crude manner," wrote Bishop Bruce R. Ough, President of the UMC Council of Bishops. "We call on all United Methodists, all people of faith, and the political leadership of the United States to speak up and speak against such demeaning and racist comments."

The timing of President Trump's egregious insult may be especially offensive, Ough suggests, to those Christians who recently celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ and are about to celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.--both of whom urged followers to love and welcome all people equally.

"Christ reminds us that it is by love that they will know that we are Christians," writes the council president. "Let's demonstrate that love for all of God's people by saying no to racism; no to discrimination and no to bigotry."

Bishop Peggy Johnson recommends that all share and act on her  2018: The Year of the Migrant  statement calling for "every church to do at least one thing to help mitigate this global criss.

"As followers of Jesus Christ, we must show the quality of unconditional love and compassion to our  neighbors. This is done with our acts of justice and mercy and by the way we talk.  The Book of James reminds us that a "great forest is set ablaze by a small fire and our tongue is a fire." (3:5). May we always speak with wisdom that is "first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy."  ( 3:17 )

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