Blackfish on CNN October 24
Special notice:
CNN will show the Oscar-bound documentary Blackfish Thursday evening - 9PM Eastern /6PM and 9PM Pacific.

Orca Network's Howard Garrett will be interviewed on CNN, Thursday, October 24th at 2:45pmET/11:45amPT, with CNN Newsroom anchor Brooke Baldwin. 

This award-winning documentary has been shown at film festivals and in theaters across the country and beyond, and features interviews with Orca Network's Howard Garrett, talking about the traumatic 1970s orca captures and the orcas' astounding natural history, languages and family bonds.

Since mid-July, when Blackfish first appeared in theaters across the US, the SeaWorld stock price has dropped about 25%, reflecting dropping attendance. This film is exposing the severe and often lethal stresses captive orcas endure, resulting in new public awareness that is devastating the $2 Billion industry.
Blackfish helps Lolita

The immense and still growing global interest in Blackfish also significantly advances the prospects that Lolita - the L pod orca torn from her family in Penn Cove, Whidbey Island in 1970 - will one day return to Washington to retire in her home waters. Please see the Orca Network proposal to retire Lolita.

Please watch this insightful 8-minute video, filmed in Miami just a few months ago, with Dr. Ingrid Visser as she visits Lolita, in A Day in the Life of Lolita - a Performing Orca, produced by Daniel Azarian. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Ingrid Visser for bringing attention to Lolita and to producer Daniel Azarian for this revealing and touching look into Lolita's life.
To learn more about the stark contrast between the lives of free-ranging orcas traveling hundreds of miles as members of large extended families and confined orcas made to perform at theme parks, get your autographed copy of:

Readers will recognize SeaWorld's latest attempt at positive spin as part its eternal drive to make orcas in swimming pools appear to be a good thing, especially for the whales.

Should some of the most social, intelligent and charismatic animals on the planet be kept in captivity by human beings? That is a question asked more frequently than ever by both scientists and animal welfare advocates... Now the issue has been raised with new intensity in 'Death at SeaWorld,' by David Kirby, just released in paperback." -- The New York Times
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