A Monthly PTA Publication 
A Message from the Principal  
By Dr. April Williams
Principal of Oak Forest Elementary School  
Greetings OFE, 
Can you believe we only have 2 more days together until we break for the holidays and celebrate the New Year? We have a ton of exciting activities happening the month of December! Please feel free to join in our holiday activities or help out in a classroom this week. Tomorrow's classroom parties and Friday's fine arts performance - To Life: L'CHAYIM: The Best Little Klezmer Band in Texas - will round out the year. 
And of course, don't forget to check out the awesome holiday doors! Congratulations to Ms. Valdez and Mrs. Cones' classes for taking first place in the competition.
In the first week of November a few members of Team OFE and I were able to attend the National Blue Ribbon ceremonies in Washington D.C. We had a great time in our nation's capital and learned a lot along the way. I am excited to spread the word that Oak Forest ES represents less than one-half of one-percent of the schools across the United States that received this prestigious award. Congratulations again to all for doing what it takes to be a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!

Thank you to all who have joined in in our 12 Days of Christmas countdown and festivities! Don't forget to have your child wear an ugly holiday sweater tomorrow, and free dress on Friday.
I wish you a joyous holiday season and look forward to being back with you and our students in the New Year!
Happy Holidays,
Dr. Williams 
*Please make every effort to have your child in school every day up until December 16, unless they are sick.  To date we have lost $32,822.87 due to absent students. Attendance matters, even in elementary school. 

Important December Dates to Remember

December 14 - Kona Ice Truck
December 14 - Band/Choir/Dance Concert, 6 p.m.
December 15 - Class Parties
December 19 - January 3 - Winter Holiday
January 4 - Students Return to School 


Fall Festival Thanks the Wonderful Sponsors!
By Jacquie Jacobs and Jade Brooker - Fall Festival Committee Chairs

A special thank you to our sponsors!

Storybook Fantasy $1,000
Leann Salmons 
United Healthcare Community Plan

Cinderella $650
Bernal Family
Branum Family
Campos Roofing
Fieldhouse Family
Leffler Family
Oak Forest Vet Hospital
Shawn Manderscheid Team, Coldwell Banker
State Farm, Aitu Taub
The Reed Law Firm

Little Red Riding Hood $400
Brown Family
Law Offices of Courtney Sossaman
Lloyd Engineering
Oaks Dads Club
Rey Tex Gutters
Washington Heights Vet Clinic

Jack & the Beanstalk $200
AAA Blast Cote
After 3 After School Programs
American Legion Garden Oaks Post
Body Rock
Climax Valve Lubricants
Marchese's Kitchen
Morehan Family
Resource One Credit Union
Rapunzel $100
Baughn Family
Bells Cleaners
Cabrera Family
Hampton Family
Schoene Family
Smally Family

Thank you also to the following volunteers: Dana Shields, Crystal Mear, Betsy Denson, Kara D'Agostino, Bobbi Porter, Amy Cao, Lindsey Culpepper, Christina Amos,  Stephanie Hamala van Walleghem , Beverly Marsh, Julie Osterman, Theresa Velasquez, Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Canales

OFE Gardens Flourishing!
By Melanie Masek - PTA Environment Committee Chair

The garden beds are off to a good start. The plants are really starting to grow and are benefiting from the cooler weather. The garden workday in September was a success. We finished weeding and adding mulch to the beds. Also, the t eachers received new garden bed signs, courtesy of OFE parent Dianne Murata, Mr. Roy, Mr. Rodriguez and several other Oak Forest parents and businesses who donated their time and materials to create and build the new signs. Urban Harvest had a table set up at the November PTA Association meeting showcasing some of the vegetables harvested from the garden beds. They grilled sweet potatoes harvested from the garden beds for parents and students to taste. Yummy!

OFE Spelling Bee

Coronet. Caterpillar. Conflagration. These were just some of the words on the Scripps National Spelling Bee list for this year. Thirty-four third, fourth and fifth graders participated in a classroom spelling bee, and then the finalists went on to the schoolwide spelling bee. Congrats to all the participants, including winner Daniel Hannah Grimley and finalists Bishesh Paudel and Kai Nguyen.  Daniel will move on to the Local Spelling Bee, which is what they call the Regional Bee. The winner of the Local Bee goes to the National Bee. Good luck, Daniel!

Mark Your Calendar for 2017 Rally Day: February 27 
By LaTrice Ferguson, Rachelle Park and Candice Croker - PTA Legislative Chairs
[email protected]

This school year marks the 85th Legislative session for the Texas PTA. Rally Day is quickly approaching and it is very important that we show a strong presence for Oak Forest Elementary. This is a time when you can meet with your State Representatives and discuss important issues and the state's listed priorities for that legislative period. There is a scheduled webinar that is open for anyone to participate in online.  It is designed to familiarize you with the process on Rally Day. There is no better time to make your voice heard and impact the decisions being made in reference to your child's education than on February 27, 2017, in Austin, Texas. 
The Webinar dates are as follows:
Tuesday, January 10 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. or
Thursday, January 12 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The Legislative Priorities for this session are as follows:

Support Student Success
  1. Adequate and Equitable School Funding
  2. Funding for Growing Public Schools
  3. Funding for Quality Pre-K Grant Program
  4. Funding for Full-Day Pre-K for At-Risk Students
Health and Safety
  1. Age of Adult Criminal Responsibility
  2. Powdered Alcohol
  3. Bullying/Cyberbullying 
Meaningful Assessment & Accountability
  1. State of Texas Assessment for Academic Readiness
  2. State Accountability System
  3. State Board of Education
  4. Strengthen Public Schools
  5. Oppose Vouchers
  6. Support Districts of Innovation
Please plan to attend Rally Day to address any concerns you have with the above initiatives before interventions are implemented.  If you want more information on the listed priorities click on the following link: .

PALS Corner
By Jennifer Brown - School Counselor
The PALS were super busy during the month of November with all of the school volunteer opportunities including decorating the cafeteria for the Thanksgiving lunch, helping out at the book fair, cleaning up after the Fall Festival and continuing to assist Ms. Shepherd with the campus magnet tours. Our sock drive collected over 500 pairs of socks. Thanks to all who donated! Additionally, the PALS assembled 150 compassion bags (socks, toothbrush kit, deodorant, soap and shampoo). The socks and compassion bags were donated to Direct Hope and distributed at the Street Santa Event. Next up is our campus Random Act of Kindness in the month of December. During the holiday season, let's remember to be thankful for what we have and help those in need when we can.
"Gratitude turns what we have into Enough." - Anonymous

Submitted by The PALS

November Teachers of the Week

Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Vallejos as the Teacher of the Week. Mrs. Vallejos promotes students success by giving OFE students the opportunity to lead their class as student teachers. Research has shown that students learn best from their peers because they build confidence, communication and interpersonal skills. Teachers and students are lucky to have her at Oak Forest. Congratulations, Mrs. Vallejos! We know you will continue to do great things.

Ms. Libby is our Teacher of the Week. She motivates her students through fun activities and rewards them for their motivation. She finds innovative ways to work with our teachers and students and, in turn, helps strengthen the reading program at Oak Forest Elementary. We are lucky to have her. Congratulations, Ms. Libby!


Congratulations to Reflections Art Competition Participants  

By Hien Reynoso and Alison Marshall - PTA Reflections Chairs

The PTA Reflections Arts competition is a nationwide PTA program.  The students who received an award of excellence will send their work to the next level of competition. 

Best in Show 
Lillian Jones, Intermediate, Film Production,  Over the Years

2016 Participants 
Lillian Ryden, Intermediate, Dance Choreography, Dancing is Happiness (Excellence)
Elijah Reynoso, Primary, Music Composition, Music is the Best (Excellence)
Lilliana Ceballos, Primary, Music Composition, Drumming (Merit)
Isaac Reynoso, Intermediate, Music Composition, Happy (Excellence)
Annabelle Nguyen, Intermediate, Music Composition, Halloween Party (Merit)
Lillian Jones, Intermediate, Film Production, Over the Years (Excellence)
Rachel Osterman, Intermediate, Film Production, Story of a Lab Puppy (Merit)
Isaac Reynoso, Intermediate, Film Production, The Adventures of Ninja and Super Turtle (Honorable)
Caroline Croker, Intermediate, Film Production, Truly Me (Participation)
Nicolas Hinojosa, Primary, Literature, The Dancing Stars (Excellence)
Fiona McCue, Primary, Literature, My Story (Merit)
Emma Osterman, Primary, Literature, Emma's Special Day (Honorable)
Elijah Reynoso, Primary, Literature, The Lost Boy (Participation)
Caroline Croker, Intermediate, Literature, Truly Me (Excellence)
Aidan Clark, Intermediate, Literature, Mr. Shiv (Excellence)
Reese Dowiak, Intermediate, Literature, Ode to books (Merit)
Rachel Osterman, Intermediate, Literature, Monday (Merit)
Everett Denson, Intermediate, Literature, Life (Honorable)
Madyson Carr-Intermediate, Literature, Princess Kinley New Friend (Participation)
Griffin Pearson-Primary, Photography, A Short Person's View (Excellence)
Conor McCue-Primary, Photography, Outside (Excellence)
Natalie Denson-Primary, Photography, The photo of the annoying brother (Merit)
Emma Osterman-Primary, Photography, Looking at Nature (Merit)
Owen McCormick-Primary, Photography, Dog Author (Merit)
Eshana Chandrahasan-Primary, Photography, Save Mother Earth (Merit)
Elijah Reynoso-Primary, Photography, My dog Sophie is nice (Honorable)
Kelly Vasquez-Primary, Photography, Penny (Honorable)
Tenchi Nguyen-Primary, Photography, Imperial Pilot in Space (Participation)
Alexis Saha-Intermediate, Photography, Close Up of a Cutie (Excellence)
Luke Orr-Intermediate, Photography, A Silly Mistake (Excellence)
Kinley  Marshall-Intermediate, Photography, Cat in the Sun(Excellence)
Everett Denson-Intermediate, Photography, Galileo Studies the planets (Excellence)
Alexis  Saha-Intermediate, Photography, My first word was......(Excellence)
Grace Branum-Intermediate, Photography, Circle of my Life (Excellence)
Meadow Lam-Intermediate, Photography, Family Love (Merit)
Kinley  Marshall-Intermediate, Photography, Water's Journey (Merit)
Lillie Eichenlaub, Intermediate, Photography, Swim Your Heart Out (Merit)
Resse Dowiak, Intermediate, Photography, The Favorits of my Life (Merit)
Everett Denson, Intermediate, Photography, Monsters of Dark (Merit)
Siena Rodrigues, Intermediate, Photography, Eat, Sleep, Dream Balle (Merit)
Cecilia D'Souza, Intermediate, Photography, First Day (Merit)
Alexis  Saha, Intermediate, Photography, My Favorite Animal (Honorable)
Kinley  Marshall, Intermediate, Photography, Water Adventures (Honorable)
Lauren Miranda-Abghary, Intermediate, Photography, Animals (Honorable)
Lillie Eichenlaub, Intermediate, Photography, Memory's (Honorable)
Rachel Osterman, Intermediate, Photography, Family Comes First (Honorable)
Rachel Osterman, Intermediate, Photography, Happiness (Honorable)
Isaac Reynoso, Intermediate, Photography, The Moon's Dream (Participation)
Kai Nguyen, Intermediate, Photography, Like a Tree (Participation)
Echizen Nguyen, Intermediate, Photography, I like climbing (Participation)
Galeairy Steven, Primary, Visual Arts , Lady Nature bug (Excellence)
Jovonni Escobar, Primary, Visual Arts , Colorful World (Excellence)
Anya Nissley, Primary, Visual Arts , Mt Trail (Excellence)
Andres Carrette, Primary, Visual Arts, The Love Story (Excellence)
Andres Carrette, Primary, Visual Arts, The Grills (Excellence)
Soledad Salazar, Primary, Visual Arts , The Night became the Miracle (Merit)
Ryan Sakowitz-Smoley, Primary, Visual Arts , Family Forever (Merit)
Elijah  Reynoso, Primary, Visual Arts , Story of the Caterpillar that likes Nature (Merit)
Sasha Baughn, Primary, Visual Arts , My Story (Merit)
Natalie Denson, Primary, Visual Arts , My Creative Mind (Merit)
James Kennedy, Primary, Visual Arts , Sunny Day on the African Plains (Merit)
Alexander Khalaf, Primary, Visual Arts , The Alex Book (Merit)
Eloise Orr, Primary, Visual Arts, The Slow Horse (Merit)
Savannah Horvath, Primary, Visual Arts, Light Storm (Merit)
Emma Osterman, Primary, Visual Arts , Dream House (Honorable)
Austin Scogin, Primary, Visual Arts , The Day of the Race (Honorable)
Natalia Sierra, Primary, Visual Arts , Zoo Boo (Honorable)
Carolyn D'Souza, Primary, Visual Arts , This is my family (Honorable)
Autumn Lam, Primary, Visual Arts, The Hungry Girl (Honorable)
Kelly Vasquez, Primary, Visual Arts, Monarch Caterpillar and Monarch Butterfly (Honorable)
Gia Velasquez, Primary, Visual Arts, All You Need Is Love (Honorable)
Aiden Powis-Case, Primary, Visual Arts, Bouncing Fun (Participation)
Alexander Rathke, Primary, Visual Arts , Caterpillar Climb (Participation)
Sabine Cao, Primary, Visual Arts , Carnival (Participation)
Autumn Lam, Primary, Visual Arts, The Sweet Day (Participation)
Owen McCormick, Primary, Visual Arts, Turtles # Pink Sheep (Participation)
Amanda De La Vega, Primary, Visual Arts  (Participation)
Paola Chavez, Intermediate, Visual Arts , A Moment for Me (Excellence)
Meadow Lam, Intermediate, Visual Arts, Silliness Love (Excellence)
Luke Orr, Intermediate, Visual Arts, The Best Place (Excellence)
Rachel Osterman, Intermediate, Visual Arts , Sunset Over Waters (Merit)
Annabelle  Nguyen, Intermediate, Visual Arts , Christmas Eve (Merit)
Paola Chavez, Intermediate, Visual Arts , Birth of Beauty(Merit)
Kinley  Marshall, Intermediate, Visual Arts, Natures Treasure(Merit)
Lillie Eichenlaub, Intermediate, Visual Arts , Sing it Loud (Honorable)
Meadow Lam, Intermediate, Visual Arts, Fun Time (Honorable)
Sophia Marcon, Intermediate, Visual Arts, My Story on Diagrams (Honorable)
Isaac Reynoso, Intermediate, Visual Arts , Save the World (Participation)
Meadow Lam, Intermediate, Visual Arts, Story Of Meadowland (Participation)
Phoenix Cave, Intermediate, Visual Arts, Chapters of your Life (Participation)

OFE PTA Member Spotlight 
By Jennifer Solak - Newsletter Assistant Chair
[email protected] 

Jenni and Glenn Ferrell have three children, and their youngest two, Campbell and Phoenix, 10, are fifth grade students at OFE this year. Older brother Keegan, 13, is next door at Frank Black Middle School. Jenni and Glenn were born and raised in Oak Forest and Mangum Manor, and they knew they wanted to raise their children here. Jenni herself is a former Bobcat! At school, Phoenix likes her ancillary classes and gardening, while Campbell enjoys the band and library. Both girls love their OFE friends, recess and lunch, and they also agree on the family's OFE favorite - Ms. Pennington! The family joined the PTA "to support OFE and the wonderful people who assist in making it such a fabulous place." (An added bonus to membership: "Phoenix could compete in the reflections contest!") If you would like to join the Ferrells in the PTA, you can become a member and find ways to volunteer your time and talents at  

Box Tops for Education 
By Joan Dwyer and Beth Caldwell - Box Tops Committee Chairs
Team Boxtop started a new tradition in November, counting parties! A small group of volunteers spent their evening counting, talking, counting, laughing and counting. We had more than 1,400 Box Tops submitted in November. Thank you to all the parents and especially our counting elves - Jade Brooker, Colleen Cockrum and Renee Dahlmeier.

This month's ice cream winners are Dylan Parman, Ava Trevino and Linda Weiss. Congratulations!

Currently in the lead for a spring classroom ice cream party is Mrs. Campbell's class with almost 800 Box Tops submitted. Other classroom leaders are Mrs. Valdez, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Llamo.  Third grader Keegan Bamburg submitted the most in November with 270 boxtops. Way to go, Keegan!

Reminder: When you submit Box Tops, please check the expiration date.

Here is a link to the form everyone has been asking for. This form is the easiest way to submit your Box Tops. These submissions can be turned into your teacher or you can drop them in the blue basket located by the bench in the front atrium. It is helpful to submit your box tops in groups of ten in a zip lock bag or envelope for easy counting by our volunteers.  Don't forget to put your full name and class room on your bag or envelope so you can be entered in the drawing. 

Thank you to the following students for sending in Box Tops. We appreciate your help!

Isabella C Aceves
 Keegan C Bamburg
 Sasha Z Baughn
 Mariam A Bell
 Jeb B Brooker
 Ava B Bujnoch
 Kirin J Bunge
 Daniela Bustamante
 Austin Caldwell
 Jaxon S Cheshire
 Presley J Crabbe
 Caroline C Croker
 Chase A Culpepper
 Emma J Dazey
 Cecilia R D'Souza
James E Ekelmans
 Kinley D Faulk
 Conner J Ferrell
Jacob S Giaquinto
 Noah A Hunt Cantu
Skylar M Johnson
 Renata X Juarez
 Grace A Lurix
 Ella G Madi
 Jackson V Martini
 Carys A McCracken
 Calleigh A McCracken
 Matthew G McWilliams
 Lina M Mendez
Lauren A Miranda-Abghary
Katelin G Nasseri
 Anya M Nissley
 Luke C Orr
 Emma G Osterman
 Dylan L Parman
 Alexis M Saha
 Max E Santiago
 Olivia R Tipton
 Ava S Trevino
 Linda A Weiss
Ryan A Weiss
Isabella H Weiss
 Evelyn R Zamora

Use the "10 to Win" raffle ticket below to submit your box tops. Additional copies can be found on the PTA website . Your box tops submissions can be turned into your teacher, or you can drop them in the blue basket located by the bench in the school office foyer. It is helpful to submit your box tops in groups of 10 in a Ziplock bag or envelope for easy counting by our volunteers. And don't forget to put your full name and classroom on your bag or envelope so your student can be entered into the drawing.  


Box Tops for 
"Ten to Win" 
Raffle Ticket 

Just attach 10 to be added to our monthly drawings Hint: Box tops can be placed in a ziplock bag or envelope and stapled to the form. 

Student's name: ___________________

Home Room Teacher Name:__________________________



Entry Date:__________________

 Available for OFE Box Tops Raffle