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For years the signs have been growing. All you have to do is look around and see a tremendous emphasis on women--women's rights, women's studies, and more. Meanwhile, boys and men are suffering--the evidence is overwhelming.

We believe that there has been a concerted, demonic attack on men for years. Our God is bigger! Like Caleb and Joshua after spying out the Promised Land, we want to recognize the giants in the land and trust in our Lord to give us victory over them.

We pray with a scepter of authority and victory in Christ and cry out to God for the boys and men in our families,our communities, and our nation.

[VIDEO] The signs are everywhere. If you're a middle aged man, you probably know a peer who has killed himself in recent years. At least one. If you're a parent, you may have noticed that ....
Pray from a place of victory and authority, in the spirit of Caleb and Joshua. We need to recognize the work of the enemy in attacking men of all ages in America. But we are not giving a bad report-our God is big and able to defeat the enemy. We pray from victory and authority in Christ.
Pray Num 14:8-9


Boyhood is not a disease that needs to be cured. . . .
In short, in our culture, International Women's Day was pretty much like any other day. In America....
Ask God to show you if you need to repent of your attitude about boys. We all need to recognize how the lies of the enemy may have twisted our own thinking. Lord, have mercy on us. Father God, cleanse us from wrong thinking about boys; give us the mind of Christ about boys in general, and the boys in our lives specifically.
Pray Rom 12:2.

"In recent years, society has focused more on issues affecting girls and women than on those related to boys and men. But now, in all 63 of the largest developed nations, boys are falling behind girls in all academic subjects - especially the biggest predictors of success, reading and writing, in their mental health (depression, suicides)....
This article has some excellent insight and suggestions to address social structures that hurt men, and, as a result, hurt all of us. Pray for America to wake up about the crisis facing men and boys and for God's wisdom to inform any and all proposed solutions.
Pray Job 28:28.


" . . . Our society is unlearning masculinity, it's feminizing every stage of male life, and boys are paying a steep price. Consider the feminization of the home - occurring on two fronts simultaneously. First, and most important, the dissolution of the family brings increased fatherlessness, and for all of our culture's single-mom worship....
Pray with the scepter (see Your Prayers at Work below ) that God would move in our homes, our churches, our communities, and in this nation, to correct attitudes and actions about men and women, personally and institutionally, that are harming all of us.
Pray Rev 2:26-27.


We are shifting into a time of kingdom rule where the primary tool
in establishing His kingdom will be the scepter.

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