In keeping with our VBS theme of Game On! , I felt a sports analogy is most appropriate for this article. I am glad that I played football when I did. We were still running the Power-I Option in the early 2000’s. For those who are not sports aficionados that means that we played a slow, methodical brand of football where we huddled up between each play. If you currently watch football, just about every level of the sport seems to run some version of what is called a “Hurry Up No Huddle” (HUNH) offense. In short, it is a complex, fast-paced version of the game. It is fun to watch from the stands, but on the field, it can be complex, confusing, and chaotic.
Due to its complexity, the HUNH offense is extremely difficult to run efficiently. The chaotic nature and fast pace can leave players uncertain of which play to run. Sometimes, the quarterback cannot tell what defense they are facing because the defense does not have time to get set (prepare)  before the ball is snapped. Strategically it can be difficult, but there are other hazards as well. Some critics are wary about such a fast-paced approach to the game because of player safety. Some medical officials and researchers say, fatigue can lead to poor technique and put players at greater risk for injuries, including concussions. In football, the hurry up no huddle offense can be effective, but the lingering question for fans is whether such tactics are sustainable.
Football is one thing; life is another altogether. In Hebrews, the author (presumably Paul) urges his readers to “not neglect meeting together.” Instead, he urges us to run the race before us with endurance. Why? Because we have a great cloud of witnesses. In other words, he says to huddle up during this marathon race. This instruction was not novel. God took a Sabbath after creation to huddle-up and re-energize. Jesus customarily spent time alone in prayer with his closest disciples. All of these things are necessary to refocus yourself. We all need to make sure that we huddle-up so that we can prioritize what life is all about. If not, we can quickly burn-out or go down the wrong direction. We have to huddle-up.
This week is all about huddling up for our church family. Our youth are huddling up down at the beach for a camp meant to help them focus on the most important thing in their lives. Our staff has had two days of in-office development to make sure that we are focused on the right things. In Dallas, both the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Southern Baptist Convention, both with whom we cooperate for missions and ministry, will be assembling to prioritize what both of those entities are all about. I am asking you to be in prayer for all of these things that unity abounds and excellence exudes. Most of all, I want to urge you to take some time to huddle-up in your spiritual life so that we can mature in Christ together. We will be talking more about that when we huddle-up for worship this Sunday morning. See you Sunday!

Expecting His Best,

Stephen V. Allen