Welcome to our new Riverside facility!
Brenner- Fiedler and Associates has relocated our headquarters to 4059 Flat Rock Drive Riverside, CA 92505. The newly renovated, two-story, 28,000 square foot facility allows space for an expanded customer service area, separate departmental management offices, and three conference meeting rooms.
Expansive warehouse provides space for individual production areas for extrusion, customer specified assemblies, clean room and mechatronic automation. With an increase of three times the space for product stocking capabilities and a new 12' x 7' 9" x 7' 6" paint booth Brenner-Fiedler and Associates is truly prepared for "Building Futures Through Automation". |
"Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do"
-Edgar Degas
Brenner-Fielder and Associates' recently built, custom paint booth has passed required inspection from AQMD, City of Riverside Building and Fire departments with flying colors. No pun intended.
The new paint booth provides us the ability to paint up to two 200 gallon tanks or several smaller units at once. Not only is the option to paint in-house more economically efficient but it also allows for faster completion and delivery of larger products and assemblies to our customers. Watch this video to see our staff member in action!
Manufacturers Spotlight
of the Month:
Parker-Balston Compressed Air Dryers
"Cabinet Dryers Eliminate Moisture Problems in Electrical Cabinets and Motors."
Avoid costly down time!
Many plants struggle with moisture problems by addressing downtime emergencies. Emergencies divert maintenance personnel and disrupt production many times at the cost of thousands of dollars per hour. The Parker Balston Cabinet Dryer reduces the maintenance and lost production costs by 80% or more. A typical company utilizing these dryers will see savings of $10K-$15K per year. The Parker Balston Cabinet Dryer will operate continuously and reliably without operator attention thus allowing maintenance personnel to devote to valuable preventative maintenance duties rather than daily emergency response.
Product Features-
- Designed specifically for wash down areas
- Protects electrical cabinet components from damage caused by water and high humidity
- Minimizes pools of water inside cabinets
- Positive pressure keeps dust out
- Adds no heat to the cabinet
- Reduces cabinet humidity to less than 10% RH
- Easy to install and maintain
- Quiet operation
- Protect motors, touch screen and other critical components

Brenner-Fiedler along with Parker-Balston are now offering a 30 day Cabinet Dryer trial - FREE of charge!
Call our Parker-Balston Specialist for more information or to receive more details on our free Cabinet Dryer trial program.
Contact Kelly Menendez- kmenendez@brfa.com
Telephone: 562.299.4100 ext. 813 or call toll free at 1800.843.5558
New Employee Spotlight
The operating space is not all that has increased of late, to better serve our customers our staff has added ten employees in the accounting, production, customer service, engineering, and sales support departments!!
This month, Brenner Fiedler & Associates spotlights three valued additions to our personnel. We are very excited to welcome them to the BF Family!
Joining us as Automation Support Executive is Rocio Hernandez, who comes with a degree major in Mathematics and minor in Biomedical Engineering from the University of California, Irvine and four years of experience as Sales Administration Representative at THK America, Inc. Rocio can also read, write, and speak Spanish fluently.
EJ Tacason also joins our automation team as Controls Engineer, although he will also aid in developing Omron PLC programs and HMI's.
A recent graduate from Cal Poly Pomona, his resume boasts various academic projects and achievements, including the position of Vice President of the Southern California Engineering Technologists Association (SCETA).
Maria E. Duran has joined us in the position of Sales Support Executive which provides assistance to Sales Engineers and customers. Maria has extensive background in the positions of customer service and quality assurance in her eight years at TMI Products Inc. There she oversaw seven successful re-certification audits in her role as manager of the quality department. Maria holds a degree in business from Golden West College and is fluent in Spanish. |
Featured articles:
- Facility facts
- Paint Booth
- Product spotlight
- New employee bios
Arizona Office
2045 S. Vineyard Building 1 East - Suite 110 Mesa, AZ 85210 Toll Free: 800-638-0394 Local # : 602-438-2710 Fax # : 602-438-2763
Customer site services provided:
Air Quality Testing
Let us test your compressed air source for purity and dew point levels.
Plant walks
Let our specialist collect your pump information for accurate preventative maintenance reference |
Quotes and Quips
"Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, doing great engineering, and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally, business is a cobweb of human relationships."
"Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet."
Scott Adams,
The Dilbert Principle |
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