The area known as "Strawberry Fields" comprises most of this image. Photo by Doug Bursnall.
A meeting to solicit public opinion has been scheduled. We encourage members and supporters of MWTA to attend the meeting and express their opinion.
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Bear Creek Nature Center
245 Bear Creek Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 90906
Click map for directions to Bear Creek Nature Center
Click on the above image to view or download the land swap map. The explanatory text is on the second page. Be sure to view both pages.
Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates Opposes Broadmoor Land Swap 
Within the last few weeks, Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates (MWTA) has been informed of a proposal for a complicated "land swap" between the Broadmoor and the City of Colorado Springs. As with any proposal for a land exchange, there are pluses and minuses for the two parties as well as the affected interests within the broader community. MWTA represents the interests of mountain bikers, and with those interests in mind, your Board members and members of the Trails Committee have reviewed the proposal in depth.  Although the proposed deal would provide easements and title to lands that would secure the Incline and Barr Trail as well as a route for an extension of the Chamberlain Trail south, those elements of the proposal do not outweigh the loss of a key City-owned property known by many as "Strawberry Fields".

This parcel, on the south side of South Cheyenne Canyon Road has significant value to mountain bikers beyond just the Chamberlain Trail easement as outlined by the agreement. While unknown to most park users, it is a significant, very scenic piece of park property that MWTA has been working with the city for the past several years to develop a trail network within. We feel it would be a great loss to the park system. The Mt. Muscoco/ Daniels Pass parcel, while larger, does not provide the ease of access, terrain, and approvals to make it a desirable proposition.  In addition, the parcels containing Barr Trail and the Incline have been used through access agreements for years and sudden denial of access does not seem realistic.

It is our considered opinion that the value of Strawberry Fields to mountain bikers alone is greater than Mt. Muscoco/ Daniels Pass and all of the smaller parcels conceded by the Broadmoor, therefore MWTA does not support the land swap deal in its current form.

Should you wish to email City Council members with your comments, you may do so at [email protected].