An urgent alert from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Alert Banner
January 2, 2016

Please take action to broaden and deepen the national movement to defeat the TPP!



January 12 is President Obama's last State of the Union Address to Congress when he'll be claiming the advantages of the TPP and urging quick passage. However, we all know the TPP is not the 21st century gold standard of trade agreements he claims. The TPP will not create jobs and improve the US economy. Here are some facts and a point-by-point analysis by Public Citizen.

Also, a good analysis on climate and the environment by the Sierra Club.

February 4
is the date set for President Obama to join other heads of state in New Zealand to sign the TPP.

If President Obama calculates he has enough "yes" votes in the House and Senate, he could immediately after February 4 submit the implementing legislation to Congress. After the implementing legislation is submitted to Congress, Congress has a maximum of 90 days to discuss and vote on the TPP. But if President Obama, House Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell think they have the votes, they will try to push the TPP through Congress as fast as they can. Some free trade bills have been pushed through on Fast Track in 7 days, the longest time has been 48 days and the average about 24. After February 4, we are in the danger zone.

This is why we ask, no we implore you, to take action now.

If we defeat the TPP, we can defeat the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement). These are the trifecta of secretly negotiated free trade agreements being used to advance global corporate rule.

Remember under Fast Track and passed by Congress, June 2015, Congress cannot hold regular hearings and cannot amend the TPP. Congress can only vote "yes" or "no" and the TPP passes by a simple majority.

Please take these actions...

Tell the US Trade Representative the TPP is bad for workers
The Office of the US Trade Representative announced on December 28 that it "is seeking public comments on the impact of the TPP Agreement on U.S. employment, including labor markets."

This open comment period extends until January 13.

It is critical that as many people as possible write and submit a comment. In 2014, millions of comments poured into the FCC saving the Internet.
Join the Buycott for Trade Justice. Here's information on what the "Buycott" is all about. And, be sure to sign up your Branch.
February 4: Join the Nationwide Mobilization to STOP the TPP - Off to a Strong Start!
Start now to plan a "TPP is Betrayal" action for February 4 and be sure to put your city on the map with information on location, time, and contact person.
Keep working on getting those NO-TPP Resolutions passed by your city or county councils. Learn how and for good examples read the two resolutions passed by the Richmond, CA City Council here. For more specific information call Nancy Price, Davis, CA 530-758-0726. The AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, the Alliance for Democracy are working on getting at least 100 resolutions passed in the next two months. Please join this local effort in coalition with local labor, environmental, health, senior, climate and other groups. When a City or County Council passes a "NO TPP" Resolution that's a very important political statement and can influence the vote of the local Congress member. And that city or county council vote is a statement for often many hundreds of thousands of grassroots citizens. The New York City council passed a resolution representing a population of over 8 million voices. It all adds up. Put your city on the map.
Finally :
climate justice
For tabling and events on the TPP, here's our new infographic card on "Climate Justice, Women and Peace." The TPP will have a huge impact on global warming and extreme weather leading to increased conflict and militarism. More off-shoring of manufacturing=more carbon footprint of imported goods. The TPP will accelerate fracking and the export of dirty coal, oil and gas throughout the Pacific.
Please email Marybeth at [email protected] for ordering information. The cards are free; members or branches only pay postage.

Thank you for taking action .

Marybeth Gardam, Corporations v. Democracy
Nancy Price, Earth Democracy
People united will never be defeated!
El Pueblo unido jamás será vencido!

"What comes next is up to us"
       - Antonio Gramsci

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
11 Arlington Street | Boston, MA 02116 | 617-266-0999 |