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A Word from the Academy Editor
Un mot de l'?diteur de l'Acad?mie
April 2015
avril 2015
The articles in this issue of the Newsletter were all contributed by new Fellows who spoke at the RSC Caf? in Quebec City last November. Thanks to all of them for their contributions. Read the message from the Editor here >>

Tous les articles de cette ?dition du bulletin ont ?t? r?dig?s par de nouveaux membres qui sont intervenus lors du RSC Caf? ? Qu?bec en novembre dernier. Merci ? eux pour leurs contributions. Lisez le message de l'?diteur >>
Featured Articles
Articles en vedette
Jos Eggermont, FRSC
If you, like me, are living besides a busy four-lane street in front of a large hospital you know that the only sounds that you are aware off are those from the street- and air-ambulances. The continuous road traffic noise, the din, is not noticed at all. The auditory cortex is responsible for that.  Read more >> 
Global Warming, the subjugation of Science and the trend to "Science Lite"
W. K. Hocking, FRSC
The first alarm bells regarding global warming were sounded by scientists. Likewise the first warnings about stratospheric ozone depletion. And so it will be with regard to other potential (possibly unforeseen) catastrophes.  Read more >>
Harvey Richer, FRSC
White dwarfs (WDs) are stars that have depleted their nuclear sources of energy, but remain luminous by radiating their stored thermal energy out into space.  Since they cool at a very predictable rate, they can be used as delicate probes of a wide variety of physical phenomena including establishing the chronology of formation of our Galaxy, testing neutrino production rates and exploring crystallization in the core of these fascinating objects.  Read more >>
Updates from the Academy of Science

Mises ? jour de l'Acad?mie des sciences 

Congratulations to the new members of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. All new science members are invited to consider submitting a short article on their work for this Newsletter.


F?licitations aux nouveaux membres du Coll?ge de nouveaux chercheurs et cr?ateurs en arts et en science. Tous les nouveaux membres scientifiques sont invit?s ? envisager de soumettre un court article sur leurs travaux pour ce bulletin.