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A Word from the Academy President
Un mot du pr�sident de l'Acad�mie
December 2014
d�cembre 2014
It was a real pleasure speaking with many of you at the recent Annual General Meeting of the Royal Society of Canada held November 20th to 23rd at the magnificent Le Chateau Frontenac in Qu�bec City. Read the message from the President here >>

Ce fut un r�el plaisir de parler � plusieurs d'entre vous � la r�cente Assembl�e g�n�rale annuelle de la Soci�t� royale du Canada, qui s'est tenue du 20 au 23 novembre au magnifique Ch�teau Frontenac, � Qu�bec. Lisez le message du pr�sident >>
Featured Articles
Articles en vedette
David J.A. Jenkins, FRSC
One of the fallouts of the Industrial Revolution was an increased desire among Western nations for standardized testing and uniform curricula to train the engineers, draftsman and technicians on which the economies of industrialized nations depended. Read more >> 
Andrew Miall, FRSC
During my service on the Alberta Environmental Monitoring Panel in 2011 there were two particular issues that occupied a considerable amount of discussion time. Firstly there was the question of who should be responsible for monitoring the Athabasca River Basin for the possible contaminating influence of the Oil Sands operations? And, secondly, why had existing water monitoring programs received so much criticism, whereas the air-quality work that was being done was being almost universally applauded? Read more >>
Ashok K. Vijh, FRSC
Electrolysis of cancer tumours (or rather of the saline fluid component of the tumour) can provide a "novel" approach for the electrochemical treatment (ECT) of cancerous tissues. Hydrogen evolution at the cathode causes cavitation (and hypoxia) of the tissue and chlorine evolution at the anode causes its bleaching, both thus contributing to tissue necrosis. Read more >>

All Fellows should now be aware of the new colleagues inducted this year into the RSC, including the members of the new College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. Take a look at the list, learn about close colleagues and others in your own discipline, think about who else meets or is about to meet the same criteria of distinction, and think about initiating a nomination. It is from the dizzy heights of Fellowship that the advancing outliers of new excellence are best perceived!


Tous les membres doivent maintenant conna�tre les nouveaux coll�gues re�us cette ann�e � la SRC, y compris les membres du nouveau Coll�ge de nouveaux chercheurs et cr�ateurs en arts et en science. Examinez la liste, renseignez-vous sur les coll�gues de votre discipline, proches et �loign�s, r�fl�chissez � ceux qui r�pondent ou qui sont pr�ts de r�pondre aux m�mes crit�res de distinction et songez � proposer une candidature. C'est du haut vertigineux de votre rang qu'il est plus ais� de percevoir l'ascension vers l'excellence!