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A Word from the Academy President
Un mot du pr�sident de l'Acad�mie
December 2014
d�cembre 2014
Our priority in 2015: Increasing representation of social sciences within the Royal Society of Canada.
Social sciences have undergone significant development over the past half-century.
 Read the Note from the Academy President >>  

Notre priorit� en 2015 : augmenter la repr�sentation des sciences sociales au sein de la Soci�t� royale.
Les sciences sociales ont connu un d�veloppement consid�rable depuis un demi si�cle. 
 Lisez le message du pr�sident de l'Acad�mie >> 
Featured Articles
Articles en vedette
Jean-Thomas Bernard, MSRC
En annon�ant une �valuation environnementale strat�gique pour toute la fili�re des hydrocarbures lors du discours inaugural de la 41�me l�gislature le 21 mai 2014, le premier ministre, Philippe Couillard, a ouvert la porte � l'exploration et la production de p�trole. Lisez ici >> 
Susan McDaniel, FRSC
In a forthcoming book, States and Markets: Sociology of Public Policy (Oxford University Press), Susan McDaniel, along with co-author Seonggee Um, contemplate several overarching  challenges facing public policy in Canada and elsewhere. This short piece discusses climate change.  Read more >>
Barry Wellman, FRSC
People trudge in textual trances, seemingly oblivious to the world around them. Scholars get sucked into "black holes" (my wife's term) as they email, surf, and write. Yet, despite this apparent cocooning, our NetLab's research has found that invisible networks link almost all of us in-person and digitally. Read More >>
Two colleagues in charge of the Newsletter in 2015

Deux coll�gues responsables du Bulletin en 2015

A contribution of 1000 words is expected. Please send your text directly to one of the two co-editors.

Un texte de 1000 mots environ est attendu. Envoyez vos propositions directement � l'une des deux co-responsables.

Janine Brodie
([email protected])

C�line Saint-Pierre ([email protected])
