For years I have been calling bullshit on the numbers that web hustlers have been concocting. And I am not easily surprised by fraud on the web. But this is beyond anything I had ever imagined.
But I am not at all convinced that these anti-fraud crusaders aren't tricksters themselves. First, the name OxfordBiochronometrics sounds like a company owned by Dr. Evil. Second, when I go to their website, my browser tells me it's untrustworthy. Third, the study is over a year old. If it's reputable, why hasn't such a sensational finding gotten wider notoriety?
But then I search further and find them quoted and referenced by usually reliable authorities like NBC News, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. So am I being scammed or not?
As is always the case with online advertising, you're never quite sure what's real and what ain't.