april|avril 2018
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May 28-29, 2018 | 28-29 mai 2018
Montréal, QC

The Canadian Association Schools of Nursing is inviting nurse educators to participate in a research project about digital health/informatics integration. Your participation at this time includes completing a short online survey. Questions are focused on both identifying work being done by educators and understanding educators' needs in addressing undergraduate nursing competencies in informatics. More...

L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières invite les enseignantes en sciences infirmières à participer à un projet de recherche au sujet de l'intégration à la profession des outils informatiques et de santé numérique. Pour le moment, votre participation consistera à remplir un court sondage en ligne. Les auteures du sondage souhaitent déterminer le travail qui a été fait par les enseignantes, et à comprendre ce dont elles ont besoin pour transmettre les compétences en informatique aux étudiantes de premier cycle en sciences infirmières.L'un des principaux objectifs de cette recherche consiste à appuyer les enseignantes en sciences infirmières à l'ère du numérique. Suite...
Starts June 5, 2018
The Simulation Certification Program fosters excellence in nursing education in Canada through faculty development in simulation-based pedagogy, practices, and technologies. The program prepares nurse educators to address a broad complement of practice learning needs and the full range of simulation typologies.

Commençant le 5 juin2018
L'objectif du Programme de certification en simulation est de promouvoir l'excellence de la formation en sciences infirmières au Canada grâce au perfectionnement du corps professoral dans les domaines de la pédagogie, des pratiques et des technologies relatives à l'apprentissage par la simulation. Le programme prépare les infirmières enseignantes aux nombreux besoins en matière d'apprentissage pratique et aux différents types de simulation.
September 26-28, 2018
This two-day intensive retreat is intended for faculty looking to develop/improve their scholarship outputs, and administrators looking to offer support and guidance to faculty regarding research and scholarship. Spaces limited!

26-28 september 2018
La retraite sur la recherche destinée aux infirmières enseignantes est un atelier intensif de deux jours à l'intention des membres du corps professoral qui cherchent à développer leurs compétences ou à améliorer leurs résultats en matière d'avancement des connaissances, et des administrateurs qui désirent offrir du soutien et conseils à leur personnel enseignant en matière d'avancement des connaissances. Inscriptions limitées! 
Nurse Educator Certification Program, Module 3: Teaching-Learning Strategies
Starts May 17, 2018
The Canadian Nurse Educator Certification Program fosters excellence in the academic nurse educator role and provides recognition and merit for the specialized knowledge, expertise, and competencies of this role in Canada.
Programme de certification pour infirmières enseignantes, Module 3 : Stratégies d'enseignement/d'apprentissage
Commençant le 17 mai 2018
Le Programme de certification pour infirmières enseignantes canadiennes favorise l'excellence chez les infirmières enseignantes et assure la reconnaissance et le mérite pour les connaissances spécialisées, l'expertise et les compétences de ce rôle au Canada. 
June 14-15, 2018
Certification for the clinical instructor represents a national mark of excellence in educating nursing students in the clinical setting, to ensure they are adequately prepared with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to work in a wide-range of practice settings and specialty areas, and meet the entry-to-practice competencies. It communicates to institutions, students, and the community that the clinical instructor has achieved and maintains a high academic standard in this area of nursing practice. Those candidates who are successful on the CCCI exam will earn the Canadian Certified Clinical Instructor designation, including the right to include it in their signature, and the CCCI pin. More...
À venir! Automne 2018

Nominate an outstanding colleague!
Deadline: June 8, 2018

Mettez en candidature un(e) collègue remarquable!
Date limite : le 8 juin 2018
purple-bow-banner.gif Nominate an outstanding colleague!
Deadline: June 8, 2018

Mettez en candidature un(e) collègue remarquable!
Date limite : le 8 juin 2018


CASN is a silver-level sponsor at NETNEP. Visit our booth!

Research, scholarship and evaluation: ensuring nursing leadership in education, practice and healthcare

May 6-9, 2018
Banff, AB
May 24-28, 2018
Toronto, ON
Hosted by the University of Regina

June 11-13, 2018
Saskatchewan, SK
June 13-16, 2018
Toronto, ON
June 14-16, 2018
Ottawa, ON
June 18-20, 2018
Ottawa, ON
Sustainable health care and management

September 7-8, 2018
Bern, Switzerland


CASN interest groups provide nurse educators an opportunity to discuss ideas, exchange information, build research and scholarship capacity, as well as promote quality of a specific area of nursing education, at a national level. More...

Les groupes d'intérêts de l'ACESI constituent une tribune pour l'échange d'idées et d'information, contribuent au renforcement des capacités en matière de recherche et d'avancement des connaissances, et soutiennent la promotion de la qualité dans un domaine particulier de la formation infirmière, à l'échelle nationale. Suite...

Canada celebrates Hypertension Month with a number of initiatives to raise awareness and promote hypertension prevention and control.
We are pleased to invite you to our Accredited Primary Care CME Day program, Hypertension 2020: Putting the Guidelines into Practice. This program is presented in Vancouver on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre and in Ottawa on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at the Sheraton Ottawa Hotel. The Primary Care CME Day will be of special interest to General Practitioners, Specialists, Pharmacists, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. More...
AACN's Summer Seminar is Coming to Canada in 2018!
Each year, deans, directors, and senior faculty from American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) meet annually in a picturesque setting far away from the pressures of daily administration to sharpen their leadership skills. This year's destination is Québec City! We invite you and your team to join us July 22-25, 2018 at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac for a journey on how to change the academic culture at your nursing school while inspiring others, and achieving optimum fulfillment in your career. By attending this 3-day program led by Positive Psychologist Caroline Adams Miller, you will identify mechanisms to create a culture of flourishing within your school, explore the true meaning of "grit," cultivate a mindset of self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism, and apply current research on grit and goal setting to challenges facing academic nursing. Learn more and register here.

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