FEP Fun Facts
Featuring Fascinating Facts about FEP

Leadership Edition                                            June 2014

Engage your team in some FEP trivia!

Answers will be sent to you on June 25!

What changed with the File Expansion Project?


What will my team need to do for the FEP release?


What files were changed by FEP?


What kinds of adjustments will my Queries typically need for FEP?


Besides Query changes, what else will I notice once I've converted to FEP?


Do you know any of the answers yet?

Take a few minutes to find as many answers as you can. Engage your team by asking them to help you! Then check your answers in the follow-up newsletter you'll receive on June 25.


Read previous CEO Ticklers here: http://www.cuanswers.com/ceo_ticklers/





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