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September 2015
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phone Everyone Encounters Problems...but Healthy
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Some of Our Staff Maintain their Own Professional Webpages:

Bowden McElroy
Salley Sutmiller
Tim Doty

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CFI podcast
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In this Newsletter:

  • CFI on Mental Health: a video interview
  • 7 Tips on Dealing with Depression
  • Insights into Depression
  • Causes Depression
  • How Many Kinds of Depression Are There?
  • Back to School Resources

CFI on Mental Health

a video interview

Greg Pittman, minister at Cedar Ridge Christian Church, interviews Dr. Dale Doty & Eric Clements on mental illness and how the church should play a part in mental health of individuals and families. Watch the video here.

7 Tips on Dealing with Depression

Depression causes negative thinking, withdrawal, and inactivity. These symptoms, in turn, make you feel more depressed. The more depressed you feel, the more you think negatively, withdraw, and reduce activity. It's a self-feeding cycle. (continue reading)

Insights into Depression

Christians sometimes have the mistaken notion that they are immune from depression, and that depression is a result of failure in their Christian walk. This may not be the true as there are many causes of depression as we have indicated above. (more)

Causes of Depression

Depression may be caused by one or more factors. One factor contributing to depression is a bio-chemical or other medical disorder. These may include a genetic predisposition toward depression as evidenced by a family history of depression. Medical disorders such as multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, blood sugar disorders such as hypoglycemia, cancer and hormonal imbalances have also been known to contribute to depression. Depression may result from the side affects of some prescribed medications, or from the abuse of substances such as alcohol or illicit drugs. (continue reading)

How Many Kinds of Depression Are There?

There are many different types of depression. We will look at four major categories of depression. (more)
Back To School Resources

Check out some of our other articles about kids, parenting, and school:

Additional Resources



Check out some of our other articles about services we offer:

If we can be of service, please contact CFI to set up a time to consult with one of our counselors.  To view our full range of services, please visit


Bowden McElroy, M.Ed. on behalf of
Christian Family Institute

Our Staff includes:
Dale R. Doty, Ph.D.
William B. Berman, Ph.D.
G. Bowden McElroy, M.Ed.
Eric L. Clements, M.S. 
Timothy D. Doty, Psy.D.
Krista Caveny, M.A.
Jennifer Giles, M.S.
Chris Giles, M.S.
Joseph James, Psy.D.