
We're Home from the March!


Exhausted - -   but excited, inspired and looking forward to growing our grassroots movement . . . 


For those of you who couldn't go to to DC and for those of you who couldn't attend the conference and the congress, we will be filling you in over the next few days. Send your questions about the 4 Days in DC to and we will do our best to answer them.


In the meantime, here's a timely newsflash:


Tomorrow --  Wednesday, August 3 --   CNN will lead off its 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. EDT block with a two-minute segment of interviews about our movement compiled by Sam Chaltain.


Central: 7 a.m.; Mountain: 6 a.m.; Pacific: 5 a.m. (tape it and watch it later). 


Rejoice! The march was a big success and we're on our way thanks to so many of you who volunteered and who are making things happen. We WILL take our schools back. Stay tuned!


In solidarity,


The Organizing Committee