
April 9, 2015


Our mission is to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ for the social, eco nomic, and spiritual development of rural America.

 CRL helps rural people shape their futures and lead lives of dignity and piety
by providing spiritual, educational and advocacy assistance.




Prayer for Planting Time


Dear Lord, You are wonderful in everything you do.


In marvelous ways You take the full, rich life of the plant and carefully fold it into tiny seeds.


When these are placed the earth they may look dry and dead, but when they are watered by the life-giving rain and nourished by the warm sun, they grow in an almost miraculous manner.


At this time of year we plant these seeds of food, flowers and life that You have given us.


Bless them, and watch over them, and bring them to the full growth and rich harvest that You wish to bless

us with.


Lord God, You have also given us the love to flower and fruit in the full Christian life that You intend for us here and hereafter. 


Rural Priests on the Road


Parish priests in rural areas are many things: ministers of the sacraments, religious educators, counselors, community organizers, and conflict mediators.


Add professional road warrior to the list. That is a reality faced by CRL Board member, Fr. Gregory Mastey, who was featured in a recent USA Today article. Read more about the experience of rural priests like Fr. Mastey and what CRL is doing to lighten their load.

April is Care4Creation Month


April is Care4Creation Month for us at Catholic Rural Life. We join with Catholics and people of faith around the world who are heeding Pope Francis' universal prayer intention for April:
"That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God."


Learn more about Care4Creation Month, including helpful prayer resources and actions to express your concern for the poor and the vulnerable in a world of environmental injustice.

Support Resources for Upcoming Encylical


The Catholic Climate Covenant is partnering with RENEW International and Greenfaith to produce small-group faith-sharing resources on Pope Francis's encyclical on integral ecology, due out this summer.


Designed for use in parishes and on college campuses, these resource materials will examine the encyclical's teachings and help apply these lessons to our lives.


To make this happen, RENEW, Greenfaith, and the Covenant are seeking donations to offset the costs of producing this valuable resource. Please make a donation to this endeavor if you can.
Rural Housing Action Alert


For the 6th year in a row, federal authorities are proposing to cut funding for USDA Rural Housing programs. This will make  it even more difficult for low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities to access affordable housing, undercutting our nation's struggling rural economies.


Please ask Congress to protect rural communities from these cuts. Ask them to fully fund these programs.


This action alert and petition closes on Monday, April 13th.

On behalf of the National Rural Housing Coalition, we thank you for your concern and support.

Volunteer in East Africa with Farmer-to-Farmer

Have experience running a small business? Or want to share your agricultural insights with local farmers in a developing nation?

Consider volunteering through the Farmer-to-Farmer program! Catholic Rural Life is helping recruit volunteers for this program, which is being administered in East Africa by Catholic Relief Services.

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Contact Info

Jonathan Liedl 

Communications Coordinator

(651) 895-4439

[email protected]