يتشرّف مركز دراسة الإسلام و الديمقراطيّة (مداد) بدعوتكم لمحاضرة و حوار مفتوح حول:

المجتمع المدني، الديمقراطيّة، و دور الدين:
التجربة التونسيّة من منظور تجارب الإنتقال الديمقراطي في أمريكا اللاتينيّة 

الخميس 20 أكتوبر 2016
من الساعة الحادية عشر إلى الواحدة بعد الظهر
بمقرّ المركز - عمارة باشا سنتر
شارع خير الدين باشا
منبليزير - تونس 

Civil Society, Democracy and the Role of Religion  
Tunisia's Experience from the Perspective of Latin America's Democratic Transitions

Prof. Philip Oxhorn 
Associate Provost and Professor of Political Science 
McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Thursday, 20 October, 2016 
From 11:00 am till 1:00 pm 
At CSID Headquarters 
Bacha Center, Ave. Kheireddine Bacha 
Montplaisir, Tunis 
Lecture will be in English with simultaneous interpretation in Arabic

المحاضرة ستكون باللغة الإنقليزيّة مع الترجمة الفوريّة إلى العربيّة

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Philip Oxhorn

Associate Provost (International) and Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development 

Research interests

Theories of Civil Society, Democracy and Citizenship
The relationship between short-term conflict resolution and longer term goals of development and democratization in fragile and post-conflict states
Civil Society and the Promotion of Public Health: A North-South Comparison of Civil Society's Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Highly Contagious Disease
The linkages between gender equality, economic growth and Household Incomes
Civil Society and the Resolution of Contemporary Problems: Crime, Low Quality Education and Sustainable Development
Latin American Comparative Politics

Sustaining Civil Society: Economic Change, Democracy and the Social Construction of Citizenship in Latin America (University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011)
Beyond Neoliberalism? Patterns, Responses, and New Directions in Latin America and the Caribbean, contributor and co-editor with Kenneth Roberts and John Burdick (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)
Decentralization, Democratic Governance, and Civil Society in Comparative Perspective: Africa, Asia, and Latin America. contributor and co-editor with Joseph S. Tulchin, and Andrew D. Selee. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press/the Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004
What Kind of Democracy? What Kind of Market? Latin America in the Age of Neoliberalism. co-editor with G. Ducatenzeiler. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998
Markets and Democracy in Latin America: Conflict or Convergence? Contributor and Co-editor with Pmela Starr. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1999
Organizing Civil Society: The Popular Sectors and the Struggle for Democracy in Chile. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995 
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