Submissions Open for Tapia 2018!

Diversity: Roots of Innovation

The Call for Participation for the 2018 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference is Open!

For the 2018 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, the conference theme is Diversity: Roots of Innovation .  The Tapia conference reminds us to celebrate the historical role of diversity with respect to STEM innovation, and declare it as a standard essential set of roots for computing innovation in the future. Conquering computing challenges going forward--while ensuring benefits across all global citizens--whether it is artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, and a range of other subjects, requires the resources, talent, and experiences from a diverse collective. Just as we have embraced risk-taking, perseverance, and creativity as cornerstones of innovation, organizations and society must treat diversity with the same reverence. This should be reflected in leadership, strategies, and policies charging forward.

Anticipating a well-balanced program for academic, research and industrial interests, we invite you to submit your content to our three conference tracks:
Technical: covering technical topics in computing such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, Internet of things, robotics, security and privacy, virtual/augmented reality, human-centric computing, social computing and education.
Professional development: covering professional development topics such as communications, networking, learning, career transformation, leadership, time management and entrepreneurship.

Broadening participation : covering  topics such as culturally relevant computing, gender-inclusive design, use of technology, accessibility, unconscious bias, imposter syndrome, mentoring,recruitment and retention,  outreach.
In these three tracks, we have a variety of sub-program: birds of a feather (BOFs), workshops, panels, doctoral consortium, and posters. The Tapia conference also provides student scholarship opportunities.
All program submissions for the Tapia 2018 Conference are due by Monday, March 12th at 11:59 PM Pacific.