Call for Presentation Proposals Open!
Deadline February 3, 2017
We invite you to be a part of the discussion at this exciting event where we will:
1)   Provide a clear understanding of the importance and critical role of science in all Cohesive Strategy planning and implementation (leaders intent on why, where we are now, and where we will be when completed or in the future).
2)  Reinforce that the focus of the Cohesive Wildland Fire Strategy implementation is "all hands, all lands" and that seamless access to the best available and correct science is vital to success at every level and every action.


a.  "All hands" encompasses the full spectrum of involved parties and includes, but is not limited to, landowners, practitioners, planners, decision-makers, line officers, local, state, regional, and national leaders from private, local, State, Federal, Tribal and political sectors.

b.  "All lands" refers to just that, all lands regardless of jurisdiction or ownership.

3)  Identify examples and opportunities where implementation (current and planned) is informed by the "right" science and information.
4)  Identify processes to ensure science integration in all planning and implementation activities and identify future research needs in support of Cohesive Strategy implementation.
5)  Provide a workshop format that promotes the maximum  sharing of what is known, what needs to be learned, what lies ahead, how to advance knowledge, and how to use this knowledge to effectively expand collaborations, gain new knowledge, apply new knowledge and tools, discuss the latest relevant research findings, learn about and from ongoing activities, and develop recommendations as appropriate.  
6)  Utilize a full spectrum of information sharing and presentation delivery methods that includes general/ keynote/panel presentations; seminars; oral and poster presentations; Ignite talks; and round table discussions.

We are seeking presentations on topics including but not limited to:
We are specifically seeking examples/case studies where your research has been implemented to produce a positive outcome in the context of the three goals of the Cohesive Strategy.
  • The role of science in Cohesive Strategy planning and implementation - current and future;
  • Emerging science in support of Cohesive Strategy planning and implementation;
  • Examples of how science has supported and advanced the Cohesive Strategy vision and goals;
  • Research needs to support Cohesive Strategy planning and implementation;
  • Science in Cohesive Strategy activities perspective panel:  practitioners, decision makers, land managers from all agencies and organizations, scientists;
  • Examples of collaborative planning and implementation;
  • Opportunities for collaborative planning and implementation;
  • Science-based tools to determine priorities and facilitate working across boundaries;
  • How to develop and implement an effective CWPP (or equivalent) using available science-based information (social science, etc.);
  • For stakeholders implementing the CS, what science/research is missing that will better inform CS implementation and decision making;
  • What science do we have and what do we need to enable stakeholders and the public to understand and embrace the vision of "living with wildland fire?"
  • Tribal/traditional or historical practices that resulted in successful implementation of the Cohesive Strategy. 

Presentation Types
We've listed some of our ideas for suggested presentation types and formats, however, we are open to other ideas. When submitting your proposal, please select from one of our ideas or suggest something new.  The goal of the Workshop is to encourage active participation and thus, lessons learned, outcomes, actions and next steps will be published after the Workshop.
General/Keynote/Panel Presentation:   These sessions should be of interest to the full audience as they will be attended by everyone at the workshop. The purpose of these sessions is to motivate and share information that will be of interest to everyone, educate and train, entertain, and set the tone for the workshop.  These sessions will be 60 minutes in length.
Seminar: Seminars are about bringing a small group of people together, focusing on a particular subject, and everyone present is encouraged to actively participate.  The word seminar is derived from the Latin word seminarium, meaning "seed plot".  Propose an idea for a seminar and plant some seeds for successful implementation of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy.  Seminars will be 60 minutes, or 120 minutes in length.
Oral Presentations: Most oral presentations will be 25 minutes in length, including 5 minutes for Q&A and discussion.  Oral presentations will be grouped with other presentations of similar topic and may be run concurrently with other presentations.
Poster Presentations:  Poster presentations will be presented during a designated session at the Workshop. Authors will be required to attend that session to present their poster.
Ignite Talks: Ignite is all about fast and fun presentations. Speakers must build their presentations with 20 slides, each of which is shown for 15 seconds, giving each speaker 5 minutes to present. Ignite is also about having fun, and showing that presentations don't need to be about "death by PowerPoint".
Round Table Discussions:   A round table discussion brings together a group of participants to talk about a certain subject.  They are generally moderated to keep the discussion running smoothly and to give equal time to each person participating.  A roundtable discussion allows extensive discussion and feedback for the presenter in a more informal way than a presentation or seminar. Key qualities of a roundtable discussion include informal, emphasis on discussion, audience plays an active role.

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