We know you would never turn your back on an animal in need - particularly one who has overcome incredible odds to survive.          

Please, can you pitch in to help some of these special animals?
  We urgently need $4500 to cover recent veterinary bills, but any donation will bring us one step closer towards our goal.   Donate here.


Here are just a few of the animals you'll be helping:
  Chance Before     Chance After   
Chance was hit twice by a car and left for dead.  Our veterinarian didn't think he would make it through the night, but since he was in a coma and feeling no pain, our Shelter Supervisor, Jessica Cameron, asked the vet to wait overnight on euthanasia. Miraculously, the next morning, Chance was up and walking, going from being in a coma to being responsive and alert. He will need physical therapy for an injured leg and will likely end up losing one of his eyes, but he is happy and playful and enjoying the life he nearly lost.
Puppy Before  Puppy on the Mend  
This picture says it all...poor little Buddha was rescued from underneath an abandoned barn. He had absolutely no chance at a happy ending, unless we saved him.  Now he's not only feeling better but is becoming very fashionable on his road to recovery.. 

    Boudreaux Before

     Boudreax After  
When we were able to save poor Boudreaux, he was shockingly emaciated.  With lots of love and care, we have been able to slowly bring him back from the serious neglect that brought him to death's door.  Now this handsome boy is eager to find his forever home.
It's an incredible challenge to operate a sanctuary with no government funding.  With guardian angels like you, though, we know we'll be able to keep our doors open to animals who deserve a second chance.
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Thank you for supporting our work as an advocate for animals in Louisiana
and our programs to provide lifesaving care to those in need.

Please forward to any of your friends who might want to help