*Do you have
a book inside of you?
*Is it
taking you longer than you thought to get your book done?
*Are you
*Don't have
time to write?
*Ready to
have your writing dreams come true?
You Can Write and Publish Your
in 180 Days
Group Writing
Coaching Intensive Starts
Thursday, September 16, 2010
If you're like most of my clients, you know you have a book
inside of you. Maybe you've started your book, but never
finished. Perhaps you have lots of ideas but organizing them feels
overwhelming and frustrating.
Sitting down and actually writing your book may feel
impossible with all the other things you have to do in your
But still, the dream of being a writer keeps waking you up at
You know you could do it, if you just had a little support and
a little know-how.
Writing a book can be simple and fun. It doesn't have to be
frustrating, overwhelming or even time consuming.
You don't need will power to write a book.
In fact, in the Group Writing Coaching Intensive, you can take
your inspiration and turn it into a best-selling book in just 180
And you don't have to do it alone.
My name is Karen Curry. I am the author of 5 books, including
Inside the Body of God, a book I wrote while pregnant with my fifth
I always dreamed of being a writer. I quit one year of college
to stay home and write a novel. My parents found out and made me
return to school where I studied journalism and started my own
publishing company, Medical Alternatives Press.
Eventually, I put my dream of writing on the back burner when
I became a mother, but my passion for writing never left me. After
years of struggling with feeling like I didn't have enough time and
energy to write, I decided that it was time to fulfill my dream, NO
One of the things motherhood taught me is to be very
efficient. So I created a simple, step-by-step system to help you
take an inspiration and turn it into a book in just a few
Using my simple system, I have written and published five
books in the last three years, while home-schooling one of my
teenagers, raising three other kids and giving birth to a new
And, I've made over $60,000 last years from selling my book,
Inside the Body of God.
My passion is helping service professionals (I like to call
you guys Lightworkers) discover solutions to grow their business
and create a prosperous life.
I'm passionate about this because the world needs Lightworkers,
like you, right now. We are at a powerful crossroads on this planet
and, as a Lightworker, you deserve support and information to make
the calling of your soul profitable and easy.
You don't need to suffer in the name of honoring your Life
Purpose. You can and deserve to thrive.
I also know that when you make money, you increase your impact and
you can help so many more people.
And I know how hard the struggle for finances can be. I've been
One of the cornerstones of your service business is
credibility. People are more compelled to work with you if they
trust you and consider you to be an expert.
Writing and having a published book is a powerful way to build
credibility with your clients, potential clients and other
like-minded businesses. When you are a published author, your
expert status goes up.
Not only that, having a book is a great way for you to share your
knowledge with many other people at an affordable cost to you and
your readers.
(I was just at the post office this week mailing the second
printing of my new book, Inside The Body of God, and I sent books
to The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Australia and a couple of
other countries. It was fun!)
A book is also a good lead-in product for your product funnel. If
you are teaching classes, seminars, teleclasses or even weekend
workshops, having a book helps people build a relationship with you
and your work. The more they know you and trust you, the more
likely it is that they will invest their time and money in your
classes and other higher cost services.
There are a lot of new, exciting and low-cost ways to publish,
promote and sell your book. The internet has made it much easier
to get the word out about your book. Digital printing and
printing-on-demand has made is much cheaper and faster to get your
book in print.
But you have to know the ins and outs of the industry. It changes
pretty quickly and you don't want to pour a lot of money into
printing a book only to have 100's of copies sitting in your garage
for years.
As a young publisher in my twenties, I quickly learned that in
order to sell books, you have to know how to market
them. (Otherwise you need to build a bigger garage for all those
boxes of unsold books!)
To sell your book, you have to have a solid business
structure, a strong marketing funnel and ways to attract attention
to your work.
You have to know the most up-to-date strategies to market your
book to various booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble
AND you have to know all the ins and outs of selling your book to
bigger publishers.
The Group Writing Coaching Intensive not only teaches you how
to write a book in just a few weeks, but you also learn how to
market and promote your book so that you can use it as a powerful
tool in building and growing your business.
Here's how it works:
Group Writing Coaching meets for one hour, three times a month
for six months. During that time you work with a small group of
fellow authors using my exclusive step-by-step book writing process
to help you write the first draft of your book.
In addition you will have access to an online student forum
and hotshot email coaching in between live sessions, in case you
feel stuck.
When your book is finished, Indigo Heart Publishing will
review your manuscript, do initial editing, help you create your
cover, secure your ISBN and LOC listing, help you build a highly
responsive website, complete the layout of your book and get is
print-ready, distribute your book to Amazon and Barnes and Noble
(in both hard and e-book format.)
In addition, you will receive extensive online marketing
training and support so you can start selling your book.
Here's what you get:
6 months of writing coaching (one hour per week)
Cover design and graphics
Help you build an exclusive website dedicated to your
Your ISBN number and LOC listing through Indigo Heart
Getting your book listed with Amazon and Barnes and
A complete marketing plan including helping you construct a
marketing funnel
Public Relations (including radio interviews and press
releases) and helping you learn to get free and powerful
Selling your book through our website and our extensive
affiliate program (we have over 300 collaberative marketing
In addition, you keep all the rights to your book so that if a
bigger publisher picks it up, we joyfully hand it over and toast
you with a nice glass of champagne.
Cost: $500.00
When: Thursdays,
September 16, 12:00pm Eastern/11:00 am Central/9:00 am Pacific (We
meet every Friday for six months)
When you register you will receive the complete Heart and Soul
of Business Program ($333.00 value) to help you get started
building your business right away!
Each writing group is limited to 5 members. Sign up now to
reserve your spot!
It is my honor to have you in class and my joy to watch you
blossom as a writer! Let's celebrate together as you fulfill your
dream of being a published author.
See you in class!
P.S. Last year we published 9 books. This year we will
publish 20. Ready for this to be your year to finally write and
publish your book?