Calvary Chimes
Week of Sunday, March 19, 2017

Picture of the week 
Feast in Sunday School
Profile Gathering  - SUNDAY, March 19, Noon in Hannaford Hall.  Lunch and childcare will be provided.  This important discussion is intended to prepare the church for its new rector through greater participation, organization and lay ministry support.

Please help stock St. A ndrew's   Pantry with instant and canned potatoes.

Images of Jesus: How we view Jesus and why it matters.  The program will begin with a Taiz é prayer service at 6:00 pm in the nave, followed by a simple supper in Hannaford Hall at 6:30pm and then the program, which ends at 8:00 p.m.   Next Wednesday, Dr. Robb Feldhaus will lead a discussion on our personal images of Jesus. Last fall, Robb led a four-week session on "Heretics and Prophets (and Mystics, too)," exploring the deeper questions of spiritual life and development, so his presentation promises to be both enlightening and challenging.   Childcare will be provided.

Confirmation Class continues Sunday, March 26 .

Building Updates you should know: 
1. A  Building Use Policy has been developed 
  • Review here
  • If you want to schedule a church group event in the building, please complete a Building Scheduling Form (available here or in the church office). This will put your event on the Church Calendar and avoid your event being bumped by something else. 
  • Also note that a Building Use Form for outside groups (available here or from the church office) will be given to groups wanting to use the space. Outside groups may be accessed a fee for building usage. 
  • The spaces available are defined on this map.
2. Changes in the Nave:  
  • The ushers will bring up the bread, wine and water and hand them to the acolytes or simply walk directly up the steps and hand the bread/wine/water over to the priest across the altar. That is a very common practice and eliminates the "middleman" acolytes, if that is acceptable. After all, it is supposed to be oblations from "the people."  
  • The twin tables are now behind the last pews, closest to the aisle. One table will hold bulletins and the current Chimes. This is where the greeter will get the bulletins to hand out to people coming in. The other table will be for the communion vessels and the offertory plates. 
  • The pew closest to the side door is now in the foyer, or narthex where the console table used to be. The console table is now where the pew used to be, and will hold current flyers, name tags and various pieces of literature. There will be stackable acrylic literature holders to organize these. 
3. Changes in Hannaford Hall 
  • Two tables are in the back of the hall (near the entrance and stage) are dedicated to holding name tags and information.  Please refrain from putting papers and other objects on the stage.
  • A Lost & Found box is on the stage - please check frequently! Items will be donated or tossed if left for over 30 days.

In This Issue
Calvary Episcopal Church
3766 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220

Calvary Sunday Schedule
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist

9:30 am
Alternate Family Service with Communion

10:30 am
Holy Eucharist with Choir

10:15 am
Sunday School

9:00 - 11:30 am

8:30 - 12:00 pm
Calvary Café 
Fellowship & Coffee  
Ministry Quick Links
Transition/Interim Priest

Howard Helvey,
Organist and Choirmaster 
Director of Children and Family Ministry

Calvary Community 

Judy Gardner 
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From the Interim Rector

Another Bomb Threat
            Last weekend, the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati, in West Chester, received a bomb threat and now joins the alarmingly fast-growing list of hate targets in the United States. Their response in a press release was:
            "The threat comes at time when the Islamic Center was finalizing a statement to condemn the acts of hatred and threats against the Jewish community as well as immigrants, showing us that when we tolerate a climate of hate, no one is immune." Ironic.
            Bigotry and hatred can be overt, as in the bomb threat in West Chester, and it can be subtle, as in a racist or xenophobic remark made "accidentally" in passing. Bigotry can be personal, or it can be institutionalized in law or tradition.
              When my father, a third-generation Chinese-American, was young, he was banned from the community swim center for fear that he would contaminate the water. When I was young, my family was barred from buying our dream house because it was feared that our presence would lower the property values in the neighborhood. And my heritage was not even at the top of the "unapproved" list. Back then, the categories were just "Black, White, and Other."
              Even famous people were not immune. It was decades, not centuries, ago when Ted Berry, as vice mayor of Cincinnati, was still prohibited from eating in many restaurants because he was black. When the great Reds outfielder Frank Robinson found a house in Cincinnati he wanted to buy, his real estate agent said, "I can't sell you this house, but I can build you this exact house in a black neighborhood."
              I would like to say that we have improved since then. As humanity has progressed, as science and knowledge have advanced, as communications have made us more aware of our global inter-connectedness, I would like to say that we have become more humanitarian, more tolerant and accepting, more civilized as our society has become more pluralistic.
               In some ways, we have. The obvious Jim Crow laws are no more. In some ways, we are more understanding, more compassionate, more aware and appreciative of global differences.
               But here we are again. Bomb threats, xenophobic and racial comments, long hidden but now said aloud. Where is the hope?
              The one place where we can-and are commanded to-assert our moral voice against hatred is our place of worship, our church. From faith rooted in the love of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, and sustained in our personal life by the Holy Spirit, we may then be empowered-no, commissioned, sent out into the world-to oppose the climate and acts of hatred against those who differ from us.
                 More than that, in our baptismal vows we promise to engage in acts of reconciliation, friendship and solidarity with persons of all faiths and backgrounds, including the Islamic Center in Clifton, whose people, I am sure, would welcome our friendship and solidarity. Let us reach out to them, and find out how we can work together to fulfill those promises. 

Joanna's cell phone number is available for members' pastoral emergencies. If you are being hospitalized, are having surgery, have a death in the family, are experiencing a personal crisis, or have been arrested, please call Joanna at 859.803.0665. 


Tender Mercies  March 26, 4:00 p.m.

Music News
 -  Howard Helvey  

15,000 Voices Descend on Minneapolis

For many years, I've been an active and enthusiastic member of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), whose mission is to inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition, and advocacy.  ACDA's approximately 22,000 director members represent over one million singers across the United States.  National conferences occur every two years (alternating the other years with regional ones, and with many states holding summer conferences annually), and they are virtually indescribable.  Last week I was honored to, in part, represent Calvary Church in Minneapolis for the 2017 national conference, where over 15,000 conductors and singers convened for several days jam-packed with extraordinary choral performances, dozens of workshops/lectures, and unique networking occasions among great colleagues and long-time friends.  I am grateful for and blessed to have had this opportunity!


With any questions regarding the Choir and/or the Choral Scholar program, please contact the organist/choirmaster, Howard Helvey:
[email protected] or 513-476-3261

Sunday School and Family News

Sunday School


This past week we continued our Faces of Easter series.  We heard about Jesus' baptism and his time in the desert.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Family News

Our next event is game night tonight at 6pm
We'd love to see you there.
You can pick up a paper copy of this flyer are available in Hannaford Hall or click here to download or print a copy.

Please RSVP to Sally!

Family Worship Service

We have been awash in enthusiastic participation! Thank you to everyone who has been adding to our music lately.  It has really been a joyful noise!  

Thank you also to our new worship helpers for greeting people as they come in and making sure that our service runs smoothly. If you are interested in helping in this way  or for more information please contact Kelsey at (614)787-1720 or [email protected]

If you are able, please sign up for a Sunday coffee hour.  The snacks you all provide for after the service are a welcome addition to our fellowship time.  A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen.


We have recently begun to start the 9:30 service promptly in order to allow the Sunday School children their full time in class between services.  Thank you for your help. 

Please come and talk to any of the worship team members if you have any ideas for our community or would like to join the team.

Current Team Members:
Kelsey Logan
Joanna Leiserson
Helene Ault
JJ Engelbert
Sally Engelbert
Helen Jones
Janet Keller

A lmighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
If you would like to add someone to the Prayer List please contact the Parish Office [email protected]
Prayers for strength, healing, and other requests for prayer from parish members and friends of the ­larger community:
Lydia Karlo, Brandon Davis, Paul McCauley, Marilyn Fietz, Ingrid Grupp, Carol Ann Edmonds, George Ann Wesner, Kate French, Eve Rowe, Jeanne Leo, Kitty Clark, Charles Parsons, Reed Coen, Sharon Grayton, Miriam McKenney and Maurine Sierveld, Mary Ann Bragg, Lauren Gleason.


See you at Church!



Calvary Episcopal Church
[email protected]
Calvary Church