A Word from the Rabbi
Rabbi Paltiel

There are a few exciting upcoming events I'd like to remind you about:

- Next Thursday, April 30, 7:30 PM Joseph Telushkin will do a talk and book-signing for his NYT BESTSELLER - REBBE, The Life and Teachings of the Rebbe, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History. You don't want to miss this opportunity to hear this well-known Jewish thinker and one of the most important Jewish authors discuss the Rebbe! Get your tickets here. You will be glad you did! I'll see you there!

- Saturday, May 2nd join us for a celebration of the recent marriage of our dear son and daughter in law, Ephraim and Chaya. Services at 9:30 AM, followed by luncheon at noon. (Please rsvp if you haven't already done so).

- Sunday, May 3rd I will begin teaching the new course from the Jewish Learning Institute, discussing the development of Torah, from the Bible through the Talmud and other literature, exploring the origins and authenticity of our traditions. Any Jew interested in Torah knowledge and in understanding Judaism should take this course. More info and register here.

- Save the date for our 24th Anniversary Dinner - May 27th.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel

Saluting Israel - Our Homeland!

Our Homeland

For a Jew, the Land of Israel is more than a place. It is a body for the soul of a people. Discover-and uncover-where Israel is in the heart of a Jew, and where the Jewishness is within the heart of Israel.

Click here
to read more.


Pesach in Iceland!

My son Berel's trip to Iceland where he and a friend led Passover preparations and Passover seders for 50 locals and visitors.

Click here
to view photo gallery.

Click to watch

WATCH: Why Jews Sway During Prayer?

Why do some traditional Jews sway while they pray or study?

Click here to watch.

Car Donations
Donate a Car


We need a car or minivan for our staff. Donate your car and receive an IRS receipt for the full Blue Book market value of the vehicle. Email:

Calendar of Events


Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me | Spring Session
Click here for more info and to RSVP.


The Rebbe: Book Signing Event
Click here for more info.



Lesson 6
| Sunday, 10 AM
Click here for more info and register.


Save the date

24th Anniversary Gala Dinner

More info to follow...
Question of the Week
Question of the week
What's the Story with Reincarnation?
By: Rabbi Aron Moss | Sydney, Australia

Question: I have a question (rather a big one!).

What's the story with reincarnation? Who is reincarnated, and why?

Answer: Imagine you are a volunteer for a humanitarian organization. Your boss sends you on a five year assignment to an underprivileged community. Your mission: to bring hope and meaning in life to as many people as possible. You are given a list of goals to achieve, provisions and a budget with which to get it all done. You will miss your family and friends, but your sense of responsibility pushes you to accept the challenge...


Shabbat Times
Candle Lighting Times for
Port Washington, NY
[Based on Zip Code 11050]:
Shabbat Candle Lighting:
Friday, Apr 24
7:26 pm
Shabbat Ends:
Shabbat, Apr 25
8:28 pm
Torah Portion: Tazria-Metzora

Kiddush Calendar

This week's kiddush is sponsored by Adele and Michael Grieff to honor the memory of both their parents:

Sam Greif
(Shmuel ben Moshe Yosef)
Audrey Greif (Chaya bas Avraham)
Joseph Burstien
(Avraham Yosef ben Motel)
Pola Burstein (Pola bas Dovid)

Adele and Michael Grieff

Click here to let us know if you can sponsor a kiddush.

Community News


Alan Salzbank 4/25
Rorie Blythe Wach 4/27
Davin Rabman 4/28
Theadora Rabman 4/28
Samara Ginzburg 4/29
Ally Kupferberg 4/30
Deborah Lee 4/30

Lucien Edward Nochomovitz,
(Aryeh ben Binyomin)
4/26/2015 | Iyar 7, 5775
observed by

Martin Brownstein & Shirley Papilsky

Henriette Falkenstein,
(Yendel bas Eliezer)
4/27/2015 | Iyar 8, 5775
observed by

Burt & Sharyn Falkenstein

Rosemary Klim,
(Shoshana bas Avraham)
4/27/2015 | Iyar 8, 5774
observed by

Barbara Rosenzweig

*CLICK HERE to convert any regular calendar date, birthday or Yahrtzeit to its corresponding Jewish-calendar date!


Who wants to be a MINYANAIRE?

Monday - Friday mornings
Services at 7:00-7:45 AM

Schedule of Services

Sunday Morning

Services: 9:00 AM

Monday - Friday
Services: 7:00 AM
followed by Coffee & Parsha

Friday Evening: 6:30 PM

Saturday Morning: 9:30 AM
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon at 12
Mincha: Following Lunch
Saturday night: 10 minutes after the end of Shabbos

Schedule of Classes

Sunday | 9:45 - 10:00 AM

Coffee & Parsha Class

Monday - Friday | 7:45 - 8:15 AM

Tanya Class
with Rabbi Paltiel
Saturdays | 8:45-9:30 AM

This Week @
Your Questions
Why Do We Write Hebrew from Right to Left?
Rabbi Shurpin analyzes a simple-seeming question in the light of history, Jewish law, and kabbalah.
How I Came to Want to Live in Israel
We were enjoying a lovely life in Maryland. So what did we do? We uprooted our family and moved to Israel!
9 Astounding Things You Probably Didn't Know about the Month of Iyar
Speak No Evil
Though we're viscerally aware of the negative effects of gossip, how many of us can say that we've never indulged in it ourselves?
Chabad-Lubavitch News from Around the World
Rabbi Elio (Eliyahu) Toaff, Chief Rabbi of Rome for Half a Century, Passes at 99
North America
High-Schoolers' Swastika T-Shirts Spur Unity Gathering on Long Island
North America
In Wake of Nashville Synagogue Shooting, Security Intensifies at Jewish Institutions
South America
Step by Step, Chabad Makes Inroads, and Friends, in Argentina
The Jewish Calendar
Friday Iyar 5 | April 24
Omer: Day 20
Today in Jewish HistoryState of Israel Proclaimed (1948)
Laws and CustomsPreparation for Shavuot Begins
Laws and CustomsCount "Twenty-One Days to the Omer" Tonight
Shabbat Iyar 6 | April 25
Omer: Day 21
Today in Jewish HistoryAnti-Jewish Riots in Russia (1881)
Today in Jewish HistoryWar of Independence (1948)
Laws and CustomsEthics: Chapter 2
Laws and CustomsCount "Twenty-Two Days to the Omer" Tonight
Sunday Iyar 7 | April 26
Omer: Day 22
Today in Jewish HistoryJerusalem Walls Dedicated (335 BCE)
Today in Jewish HistoryVenetian Ghetto (1516)
Laws and CustomsCount "Twenty-Three Days to the Omer" Tonight
Laws and CustomsSanctification of the Moon
Monday Iyar 8 | April 27
Omer: Day 23
Today in Jewish History1st Crusade Begins (1096)
Laws and CustomsCount "Twenty-Four Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tuesday Iyar 9 | April 28
Omer: Day 24
Laws and CustomsCount "Twenty-Five Days to the Omer" Tonight
Wednesday Iyar 10 | April 29
Omer: Day 25
Today in Jewish HistoryPassing of Eli (891 BCE)
Today in Jewish HistoryPassing of Rif (1103)
Laws and CustomsCount "Twenty-Six Days to the Omer" Tonight
Daily Thought
The Garden

There are people who do many good things, but with pessimism-because to them the world is an inherently bad place. Since their good deeds have no life to them, who knows how long they can keep it up?

We must know that this world is not a dark, sinister jungle, but a garden. And not just any garden, but G-d's own pleasure garden, full of beauty, wonderful fruits and fragrances, a place where G-d desires to be with all His essence.

If the taste to us is bitter, it is only because we must first peel away the outer shell to find the fruit inside.

The Parshah In A Nutshell
Parshat Tazria-Metzora

The Parshahs of Tazria and Metzora continue the discussion of the laws of tumah v'taharah, ritual impurity and purity.

A woman giving birth should undergo a process of purification, which includes immersing in a mikvah (a naturally gathered pool of water) and bringing offerings to the Holy Temple. All male infants are to be circumcised on the eighth day of life.

Tzaraat (often mistranslated as "leprosy") is a supra-natural plague, which can afflict people as well as garments or homes. If white or pink patches appear on a person's skin (dark pink or dark green in garments or homes), a kohen is summoned. Judging by various signs, such as an increase in size of the afflicted area after a seven-day quarantine, the kohen pronounces it tamei (impure) or tahor (pure).

A person afflicted with tzaraat must dwell alone outside of the camp (or city) until he is healed. The afflicted area in a garment or home must be removed; if the tzaraat recurs, the entire garment or home must be destroyed.

When the metzora ("leper") heals, he or she is purified by the kohen with a special procedure involving two birds, spring water in an earthen vessel, a piece of cedar wood, a scarlet thread and a bundle of hyssop.

Ritual impurity is also engendered through a seminal or other discharge in a man, and menstruation or other discharge of blood in a woman, necessitating purification through immersion in a mikvah.